Before the change

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Y/n's Pov 

It's been about 3 days. I did get a bodyguard but he doesn't talk at all unless needed. He's huge and very tall to me. Brown hair and blue eyes so he must be from America.My surgery is today and I'll be healed enough to talk by monday so I'll be able class with conuinte. He did tell me I have to still be careful what I eat for two weeks and I should slowly start eating other things. The boys though put me into a group chat. I'd talk to them a few times but not a lot. I was more busy decorating my room and bathroom. I also got a lot of new clothes. I went shopping a few times to but today I'm in the car on the way now. I'm nervous.. It's going to be an anxious day.

"Were here, Ma'am." My driver said from the front seat. I went to open the door but Chris ,My bodyguard, opened the door before I could. I smiled as I got out and thanked him. Walking in wasn't hard. At my surprise no one knew who I was but then I remember dad saying.... Dad.. huh I never thought i would say that again. Well He Hasn't posted or said anything about me until the conference sometime next week. I Walked to the front counter but a doctor came by and told me to follow him. Apparently they were waiting on me to get here. The check-up and stuff went well and now i'm laying down ready to get this meds to make me sleepy. I was slowly getting tired but I heard the door open. The boys came to see me before the surgery. I smiled as each one came in. Niki was the last one in. We talked but it wasn't like Hessungs or Sungwoo talks. I know I can be a bit of a fangirl but I don't' disrespect anyone of them. Sunoo,Jay, ans Heeseung come by my bed. Heeseung and jay hold my hands. 

"You will do great! Don't worry!" Sunoo with a cute smiled said to me. He had be at the end of the bed with Niki who was all in another world of his own. I smiled slight and Sungwoo noticed.

"Guys can you leave me and Niki with her, Please?" Sungwoo touched Heeseung shoulder and looked at everyone. They didn't protest just listened and each one left with a quiet and blank face. I looked confused up at him.

"Something wrong? Why just you and Niki?" I typed. and he giggled.

"Sorry but we Made Niki freak out. We were playing with him and said you were into him and stuff and now he's being a jerk and avoiding you. He doesn't mean to it's just he worried for you in his own way." Niki and I were just looking at him and as he smiled slight. (Sorry Sungwoo and Niki :'( .... ) 

"I mean I like Niki but as a friend. He's my Idol and bais, yes ,but i'm not low as some fangirls and disrespect you. You all have people you like and don't like and some or all of you want to get married later in life. It's okay i'm not a psycho, Niki. I just want friends right now. I don't know anyone that much to like someone like that. I'm sorry if you thought any different of me it wasn't my attention." I typed into my phone. Niki looked alot better than when he came in.

"Im sorry for judging you so quickly and I don't think I can do a relationship with someone right now so I understand you. So friends?" He asked and i chuckled.

"Best friends." I said than me and him laughed. The boys came in a draggin Jay and Heeseung by the collar. Sunoo put Jay and Heesung by me and dragged Niki. Jake grabbed Sungwoo and shut the door. I sat in confusion as the boys stood there. I was wondering what they wanted.

"So, what's wrong?" I asked. Jay and Heeseung looked at each other and sighed.

"We were wondering, I know this may sound weird but, would you like to kinda be apart of our group. Were not asking to be a member just travel with us and mabey live with us kinda like a side manager.  You know all about our past and stuff and well sometime Sungwoo and Jake have panic attack while me and Niki sometimes have PTSD attacks , if you can call it that. " Jay said while not looking at me.

"Plus Jay and Me have anger issues so it's hard on us when were backstage or doing at fan meet." Heeseung added. I smiled and just laughed a little.

"All of you guys are so cute. All you had to do was ask. I'm not a therapist but i know ways to calm people down, but panic attacks are harder to help with. I've had a few myself." I typed. They nodded. Jay stayed while Heeseung went to tell the boys.  

"You know he fancy you..right?" He said while looking at Heeseung. I just shook my head.

"We both do you know. We talked about asking you on a date the both of us but then it make you have to choose so we decided not to."  He said turning to me and playing with my hair. It felt nice and warm. I was slowly already asleep when the boys left. 

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