Newts pov
As soon as the door opened I see her lying on a ground like a lifeless body I ran in to the maze picked her up and took her to the med-hut .

Y/n pov
You were at the med-hut . Jeff was bandaging you .what was wrong said newt.looks like she didn't eat anything for 2 days and she has a big cut I bandaged it up said Jeff .okay thanks said newt.

Jeff left and now it you and newt . N-newt.y/n are you okay .i will go get jeff said newt

Yes I said .ok you are ready to go said Jeff . You can't walk so newt carry's you to your hut.newt?i said . Yes said newt . Thanks I said .your welcome he smiles .he lays you down and he starts to walk away . You grab his hand. Can you plss stay

Newt pov
I started to walk away but I felt a warm hand on my arm I turn around it was y/n .can you stay plss she said in a cute voice.she was cute .sure I said I lay down next to her.

And she hugs me her head was buried in my chest and it was the best feeling ever .i put one of my hand on her hair and the other one around her waist.and we cuddled. It was the bessst 

I wake up and saw newt was not next to me .i went outside and saw newt coming to me .breakfast time said newt .but I am not hungry. I am sorry then I will have to force you to eat said newt. Ugh fine I said .he took my hand and brought me to fry .we sat down with our  food I was just staring at it .i feel like vomiting.come on try to eat look take your time said newt .i look at him with a "no" look .

ok I will feed it to you he said .i didn't mind . He took a spoon and took a spoon full of (whatever food you want )
open your mouth he said .i opened my mouth just a little. 30 mins later I finished it .wow see you did it he said while smiling I gave him a smile .i feel like I am gonna throw up on him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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