A Short Lifes Tale

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On the sixth of march, the heart mate Yelena Zaltana and Valek Icefaren became parents to a baby girl - they named the girl Liana Aya Zaltana but this black haired baby girl wasn't born alone, she was born alongside her new older twin brother who was granted the name Sunro Icfaren. When she was four years old, she began simple hand to hand combat trianing under her "aunt" Opal and her own father Valek Icefaren although, as the years progressed, so did the trainings difficulty and time spent on it. Valek himself was from District one - he has lived in ixia his whole life and is in fact a magician himself. When Valek was fourteen, a tramatic event caused him to draw magic from the power source and he formed a null shield around his soul - thus causing magic to be ineffective against him. However, Yelena was born back in Sitia, within the Zalatana forest clan. Yelena grew up to have the magical powers lated to founded and named as a soulfinder although, due to her past - she was raised into adult hood in Ixia before finding her way back to her family at the age of twenty one.

The twins life was pretty peaceful and relaxed until they turned fourteen - Yelena and Valek were teaching the twins how to fight and control their powers but someone must have recognised Liana's powers to be the same as a soulfinder and made the connection that she was Yelena's child - meaning Valek's child. Liana's powers had began to flare out meaning she was dangerously losing control. This person told the commander and he was not happy due to his hatred towards all magic. The commander sent assassins to attack the family and so they did. Sunro grabbed Liana and hid whilst thier parents fought of the assassins although, no one lives forever. From the twins hiding place, they saw their parents get striked down and brutally murdered. Once the men had left, it was like something in sunro snapped - he was unable to control his powers when for Lia, the pain and shock granted her control and full access to her abilities.

Before this, Lia had quickly became second in command of her fathers spy corp that would do secret but dangerous missions for the commander to get information, keep an eye on things, go under cover or even kill. Liana became second in command of the corp at the age of thirteen years old, only five years after gaining her soulfinder abilities - she also refuses to assassinate innocent people.

The twins were on their own, living in the forest until when they were seventeen. Liana and Sunro had believed that on that day three years ago, their parents had died when in reality - they ran from the scene without checking and their Parents, Yelena and Valek - were barely alive, getting pulled into the shadow world in order for them to heal and has now found them these years later after Valek gathered intel and tracked them dow . However, Lia is slowly learning the true nature of her abilities which will be a battle of will power to see if she desires more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2021 ⏰

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