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Phuwin came home that night sobbing, no one really knew why. To be honest I don't even think he knew why. If I were to guess maybe the coaches were a bit harsh on him.

So imagine Pond's reactions when Phuwin came home, he was shocked. Phuwin didn't want to talk about it either. It left Pond confused as they ended up taking their own showers and cuddling up on the bed.

"Phuwin what's wrong?"

Phuwin shook his head no, as he sniffled he buried his face deeper into Pond's chest. All Pond could do is pat the boy's back and hold him close.

Eventually, the beat of his heart calmed the boy down, lulling him to sleep.


When morning reached Phuwin couldn't even remember why he was angry or upset. He pulled back slightly and looked up at the male who was holding him.

Pond was handsome as if built by the gods himself. His tan skin, his jawline, eyes, nose, and those lips. Phuwin smiled thinking of the time they had kissed. He realized it's been a while since their lips have touched.

Well too long for him, seems like the younger male got addicted to the way Pond controlled him in that aspect. He watched as the older furrowed his eyebrows before blinking them open.

"Morning Phi," Phuwin greeted.

"You seem excited this morning," Pond said with a lazy smile.

Phuwin was confused until Pond pulled him close causing the younger to flush red, "I can explain."

Pond smiles, "no need it happens, go."

Phuwin embarrassed rushed to the restroom turning the shower on. He tried to think his way out of it like last time but, knowing Pond was in the other room wasn't helping.

"You okay Win?"


"Do you need help?"

"No, go away!"

He could hear Pond chuckle, which made him shake his head in frustration as he tried to be as quiet and as fast as possible. Washing up after he grabbed the towel and wrapped it around his waist.

When he walked out Pond was working out in the middle of the room, the younger quickly got himself dressed knowing he had practice again this morning.

"Knock, Knock!"

Phuwin turned to see Frank at his front door, "hey, ready for practice?"

Frank smiled and nodded letting Phuwin follow him out once he finished getting his stuff together, "you okay since yesterday?"

Phuwin nodded, "I'll be fine."

Phuwin pushed through today but after lessons were called by his senior Kim. He ran up to her as everyone was leaving scared of the consequences, she looked around seeing most people have left before looking at Win.

"Nong Win are you okay?"

"I'm fine P'Kim."

Kim sighed, "you aren't, please tell me what is wrong."

"I sprained my ankle last practice, the girls behind me keep whispering bad things behind me," Win mumbled but it was loud enough for her to hear.

Kim nodded, "I'll move you by Frank in the formation if you'd like?"

"Is that okay? If it doesn't work out you can move me back. I'll figure out how to handle it," Phuwin said.

Kim looked over him and looked at his foot, "don't come to practice tomorrow. You should rest your ankle in case it gets worse."

Phuwin nodded, "thank you P'Kim!"

Kim smiled, "go ahead get rest."

Phuwin walked back to get his bag before he felt an intense pain in his ankle which made him stop walking. Clenching his teeth slowly he limped his way to his dorm room.

When he opened the door he checked whether Pond was in the dorm but was met with a dark room, sighing with relief. Entering the room throwing his things by his desk. Grabbing an ice pack and elevating a spot on the couch. He had wrapped it up secretly the other night and was not taking off his socks and the bandage.

Phuwin grimaced seeing the black and blue of his ankle, slowly it was swelling up. He put it on the pillows and placed the ice pack over it. He laid back sighing embracing the pain from when he pretended he was fine.

Turning on the TV he waited, he took a painkiller and the ice was changed out to a new pack. Soon the front door opened but Phuwin was too focused on the TV to notice.

"Hi Win, what happens to the- Shit! are you okay?"

Phuwin jolted up seeing Ohm and Pond in the room, "I rolled my ankle at practice."

"But that doesn't look like it's from today," Ohm stated.

"It's from yesterday, I won't go to practice tomorrow, my coach said I should rest," Phuwin said.

"Yeah I agree," Ohm chipped in, the worry still in his voice.

Looking at Pond was the most, unsettling, he just looked so angry. Pond whispered to Ohm which made him leave. Pond left to the kitchen, bringing back some tea.

Phuwin smiled, "I'll be okay."

"You need to eat still, you probably took a pain killer on an empty stomach," Pond said.

Phuwin blinked, the male knew him too well, trying his best to sit up and eat the small crackers Pond brought also. Ones that went perfectly with tea.

"Thank you."

Pond just kissed his forehead and ruffled his hair before getting up to shower.

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