Chapter 14:Derek's Nightmare

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This is a contuiation of plan 2 from my last chapter where Derek and Stiles are asleep.
Derek's Pov in his dream
I was walking around in the forest and I had Stiles walking beside me at first, but then I saw Kate pop up out of nowhere. I shoved Stiles behind me and asked "What do you want?" I asked. "To take everything you have grown to love again, your so called "pack". You really think I will let you be happy, ha not a chance. First I'm gonna start with him."
That bitch says pointing at Stiles next thing I know he isn't by me anymore, but in Kate's arm where she pulls out a knife and slits his neck before I can say anything. She just starts laughing like a mad women which she is but that is besides the point.

Then it flips to being in my old house before it was burned, it looked rebuilt I saw my pack all just sitting in the living room and enjoying life. Till Kate pops back up first putting mountain ash on all the doors, windows, anything that could be an exit. She then pours gasoline outside the entire home and strikes a match, I watch my house catch on fire again. I hear my pack screaming because they couldn't get out till Issac's voice rings out "This is your fault. Your the reason your family is dead." And then the house collapsed. I scream and then wake up panting.

Derek's pov still but back into the real world
I immdetely jump out of the bed faster then Stiles could ask what was wrong and run to check on my pack, when I open the door I see the girls all curled up by eachother and sleeping peacefully and then I look over to the boys who are also all sleeping peacefully still while Jackson and Scott try to steal the covers from eachother.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped just to see Stiles looking concerened.
"Hey Der are you ok? That seemed like a pretty bad nightmare." Stiles asked still concerened
"Yeah...yeah I'm fine just had the urge to check on the pack but I'll go back to bed." I say trying not to worry him.
"Obviously your not but I can assure you the pack is safe we are all safe. You were crying out in your sleep don't hurt them and then started screaming it wasn't my fault and I'm sorry." Stiles says while were walking back to the bedroom. I look to my left and see Peter is still asleep.

I lay back down on the bed, Stiles beside me.
"You wanna talk about it?" He questioned
"Not really." I say
"That's fine to sometimes if mine are really bad I dont like to talk about them either." He says truthfully
"So you get nightmares to. Is that how you knew how to comfort Issac and Peter so well?" I asked curios about how bad his nightmares are
"Yeah I learned some tricks maybe one day I'll tell you about mine, if you tell me about yours sometimes cause trauma can be a bad one." Stiles says

I nod my head. Stiles puts his arms around my waist and directs my head to his heartbeat and I lay my ear over where his heart is. I guess he could tell I need comfermation  about him also still being here. He hums the same song he sang to Issac and Peter till he gets to the chorus and starts singing it softly to lower me to sleep. "So take my hand, don't be scared. We can go about anywhere, you dont have to run, you dont have to hide because I got you safe in my hands." Is what Stiles sang. Then I fell back asleep with no nightmares to the sound of my mate singing and the sound of his heartbeat.

*Double update what. Idk I'm in the mood to write right now we have more chapers coming soon. So chapter 19 and 20 are the last tho and are going to be like the original story how I started it instead of one-shots. Stay safe everyone have a good day/night/afternoon? Whatever applies to you. Oh song credit goes to Eli Lamb(I think for his song "Safe in My Hands")*

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