By the Fireplace*

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Harry's fingertips drummed against the surface of his thigh. He was humming to himself, anxious and eager and impatient all at once. His phone was in his hand, and his bottom lip was rolled inward as he sucked on it thoughtlessly. He had never been very good at waiting for things, but he knew this would very well be worth the wait.

It was more that he never had to wait for things. His entire life consisted of demands that were quickly met to his liking, usually out of fear. He had told Carmen that her being in his shirt for their planned sexcapade would be enough, but she denied his words. He was learning quickly that patience was a skill he would need to acquire when it came to Carmen, because it was certainly something she found enjoyment in testing its limits. She was the kind of girl that made her own demands, and he would have to meet them to her liking.

The bathroom door creaked open and Harry's heart instantly picked up speed, thudding loudly in the confinements of his chest. It seemed so slow, so drawled out; her bare foot was seen first as it stepped out, as lightly as a feather against the hard floor. His eyes begged to see more, and she must have heard their pleas because more of her creamy leg was revealed to him, before the door opened all the way.

Her hair was in ravenous waves down the length of her back, some strands draped over her shoulders to give her a Greek goddess sort of aura. Harry now knew why she had insisted on changing into a set of lingerie for him, because the white lace clinging to the large swells of her breasts made everything about her that much more sensual. He couldn't help but noticed that her face was void of any cosmetics, but yet, she was as beautiful as ever.

"You want to take a video of me, Mr. Styles," her voice drawled and guided his gaze to her lips, plump and for the first time since he had met her, not coated a deep shade of red. They were a natural shade of pink, and looked perfect for biting into.

"And I have a few conditions that need to be met."


That seemed to snap Styles out of his trance. His eyes met hers challengingly, and he pressed his lips together. "What sort of conditions?"

"One," she started with a smile dancing on her lips. She walked over to where he was sitting on the edge of the bed, and she crawled into his lap, thighs on either side of his. It was a smart move, since now there was no way he could deny any of her 'conditions', not with the way her scent of lavendar and honey was flooding his nostrils and seeping into his mind like poison.

"You may not ever share this video with anyone." Her voice was firm and Harry merely nodded in response.

"Of course not. It is only for my eyes, Miss Vicino," he assured her. That condition he had no problem with abiding, because it was something that he would make certain of not just for her, but to ease his own possessiveness.

"Two," she continued, resting her forehead on his so their breaths entwined. "I want to film you as well. I need a costar." She smirked and he rolled his eyes.

"Sure. And three?"

"Three," she took a lone curl that had fallen over his forehead, twirling it between her fingers and smiling at him, their lips nearly brushing together.

"I don't want to do it in here."

Harry frowned in confusion. "Where do you want to do it then?"

Carmen simply smiled and got off of his lap, taking his hand in hers. Their hands, she noticed, fit perfectly together depite the great difference in size; her small fingers fit perfectly in the spaces between his, and the rough palm of his hand created a warm crevice for hers.

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