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"I think your wound has healed up quite nicely," Vincent took off the bandages and lightly tapped Adrian's new scar. 

"Must be because someone was so keen on nursing me back to health." 

"Aren't you lucky?" 

"I would be if you'd actually done anything you'd threatened." 

"You wanted me to chop you up and turn you into stew?" Vincent laughed. 

"No, I wanted you to s-" 

"I know what you wanted," Vincent took off his shirt. "Why don't I reward you for your patience and good health?" Vincent grabbed Adrian's hand and pulled him into his rather large walk-in shower. 

"You still have your clothes on," Adrian pointed out. 

"Then take them off." 


Vincent grabbed Adrian's leg currently slung over his waist and pushed him against the wall. "Is it really okay for a bossman to get fucked like this?" he asked, snickering. 

"I'm not going to fuck you-"

"Right, right, yes, until you've won me over?" 

"But what you do to me is entirely up to you," Adrian ran his hand through his wet hair to keep his fringe from covering his eyes. 

"Is that so?" 

"Just don't tell the others," Adrian placed his finger to his lips and closed one eye. 

"So bossman does care about appearances, just a bit, hm?" Vincent laughed. "Do you remember?" Vincent allowed Adrian's leg to fall and turned him around, pinning him up against the wall. He grabbed Adrian's wrist and pressed his arm up into his back. Vincent grabbed the back of Adrian's neck and forced his face into the wall a bit more. "Doing this to me?" 

"I might vaguely remember something like this happening, yes," Adrian winced. "You have a way of getting on my very last nerve so I'm sure you deserved it." 

"This is my payback," Vincent grinned. 


Adrian's arms held him up against the wall as Vincent pounded into him. Vincent's hand right over Adrian's most recent wound mark, moving up his chest. 

"Eh?" Adrian looked over his shoulder. "Why did you stop?" 

"I remembered something very annoying and wanted to make you suffer for it," Vincent stared. 


"I'm kidding, partially," Vincent wrapped his arms around Adrian's torso and kissed his shoulder blade. 

"So you're partially serious then." 

"Maybe I just want the moment to last a bit longer," Vincent rested his forehead between Adrian's shoulder blades. 

"We can have many moments like this," Adrian placed his hand over Vincent's. 

"But I like this one specifically." Vincent moved his hand up to Adrian's neck while the other one he moved down to his crotch. He started moving again but instead of prolonging the moment, he had to start it over, which only frustrated Adrian more. 

"You..." Adrian growled, curling his hand into a fist. 

Vincent moved his hand from Adrian's neck to his chin, pulling his chin down slightly. "Well, tough guy, why don't you make some music?" 


Adrian was sprawled out on the floor with his hair in every which way. Vincent hovered above him holding his legs apart. "If we do this too many more times I might have trouble doing my job." 

"Maybe that's the point," Vincent smiled. "Your wound may be closed now but you still need to recover." 

"Is that what this is about?" Adrian sighed. 

"Maybe a bit," Vincent leaned forward more to slide in. 

"What's the other bit then?" Adrian placed his hands on Vincent's shoulders. 

"This is a secret now, you can't tell anyone," Vincent began so Adrian wrapped his arms around Vincent's neck to move closer to him. 

"And what's that?" 

"I might think you're just a tiny bit cute," Vincent whispered. 

"Just a tiny bit?" 

"A small smidgen." 

"By god, Vincent, you might be gay," Adrian gasped. Vincent couldn't remain serious after that. He laughed right next to Adrian's ear which was definitely something that he hadn't heard in a while. Adrian smiled, holding Vincent tighter. 

"I missed you," Adrian muttered. 

"For someone who said they would chase after me to the ends of the world, I didn't see you doing a whole lot of running." 

"It's hard to be the one running all of the time." 

"Here is a reward," Vincent pulled Adrian's face back and kissed him. 

"Wa- mmngha..." Adrian tried to speak but Vincent's tongue kept him from moving his own as he wished. Vincent wasn't satisfied until Adrian ceased resiting entirely. It was only then that he pulled away from Adrian's mouth. 

"What is with you today?" Adrian muttered. 

"Nothing, and everything, all at the same time." Vincent cupped Adrian's face and licked his cheek. "I bet you would taste good." 

"Having second thoughts on turning me into a stew?" 

"Maybe just one or two." 

"Thoughts? Or stews?" 

"I bet you would love the answer to that," Vincent replied. he had no intentions of providing further hints. Then, as if he were a snake coiling around his food, Vincent smiled. "I'm going to eat you now." 

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