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"I'm all for winging it, but this is crazy, man," Rome complains as the team looks out at the city of Los Angeles. "We got mercenaries with some real heat on us. I mean, I ain't scared or nothing, but... Man, I don't even have a gun!"
"Gun?" Dom asks as he looks at Rome. "We got a whole city."
"And we may have more than that. If they use God's Eye, it'll tap the cameras around the town to find our location. Which means we could plant a virus," Tej explains causing Ramsey to nod in agreement.
"And then break in when they access it," Ramsey says in agreement. "So you're talking about hacking my hacking device. It's brilliant."
"Yeah, but there's one problem," Tej says with a sigh. "The signal strength. We can't start a hack on them until they're within a two mile range."
"That's really close," Letty states as she looks at Tej.
"Close?" Rome asks her. "These guys are military. If they're within two miles of us, we're already dead. I don't know about y'all, but I didn't really plan on dying today."
"Only one way to stay alive," Dixie suggests as she and Brian share a look of understanding. "We play keep away with Ramsey."
"What?" Ramsey asks confused.
"They can't hit us if we keep moving," Brian explains causing Dixie to nod.
"And I'll take Shaw," Dom tells them as he steps forward.
"So, basically, we're just gearing up for a big game of hot potato, huh?" Tej asks causing Ramsey to look at him confused.
"Which car is the potato?" Ramsey asks him.
"Girl, you're the potato," Rome answers her before everyone goes their own ways.

"Brian, are you okay?" Dixie asks as he opens the trunk of a car that was left for him by a cop friend.
"Dixie, listen to me," Brian tells her. "You know something big is about to go down. And if you don't hear from me in 24 hours, I need you to move on. You understand? You understand what I'm saying?"
"No, I can't do that, Brian," Dixie answers him with tears in her eyes. "No, I can't. We're gonna have a baby. It's a little girl." Brian lets out a deep happy sigh at the news. "And she's going to need her father and mother. So we have to finish what we're doing and we have to make a home for her. You have to come home to us." Brian quickly pulls her into a hug before kissing the side of her head. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. I was scared you'd be disappointed with domestic life."
"You know, the best decision I ever made was stepping into the store and buying that first sandwich," Brian says causing them both to laugh.
"It was such a bad sandwich," Dixie says with a giggle.
"I know, right? But I ate a lot of them," Brian agrees with a chuckle before they both grow quiet. "I love you, Dixie."
"Don't do that," Dixie tells him.
"What?" Brian asks her confused.
"The way you said it. It's like goodbye. Say something else," Dixie answers him.
"Okay. Stay safe for me," Brian says.
"I will," Dixie says as she gets in her car with tears threatening to fall before she drives off. "I love you, Brian."
"I love you, Dixie," Brian says after he sees that she drove off.

Dom goes back to the house and into the garage. Dom then uncovers the Dodge Charger.
"One last ride," Dom says as he looks at the car. Dom pulls a shot gun out of the trunk before sawing off the barrel. He also saws off the stock before loading the gun. Deckard starts wrapping the wounds he got at the factory. Brian puts on a FBI vest that was in the trunk. Deckard starts loading his guns. Brian loads a pistol before holstering it to his vest. Brian then rips the FBI logo off of the vest. Deckard packs a bag of grenades before putting on a coat. Deckard gets into his car with the bag. Brian gets into his car before meeting up with the rest of the team. Deckard takes off into the night. Dom gets into his car before also taking off into the night. Dixie arrives at the hospital before Mia pulls her into a hug.

Ramsey is riding with Brian as he is followed by Letty, who is followed by Rome and Tej.
"I don't know why we gotta keep driving around like this," Rome says as he drives, while Tej is in the back on his computer. "Why can't we just pull over somewhere, park, gather our thoughts in, like, a bunker somewhere?"
"Because it does not work like that," Tej answers him. "We gotta stick close enough to the bad guys in order to get in range for Ramsey to hack them. But we gotta be mobile enough not to get shot like fish in a barrel. So, do me a favor, focus on the mission and keep us from getting killed." Tej looks out the window as he hears a helicopter. "Guys, they're here."
"How many cars?" Letty asks him over the walkie.
"Uh, none," Tej answers her. "And that's kind of the problem."
"Okay, lets give them the tour," Brian orders over the walkie. "Break on my mark. Three, two, one. Go!" Rome turns left while Letty turns right with Brian still going straight.
"They're in range," Tej says as he types on his computer before grabbing the walkie. "Ramsey, start the hack."
"Initiating," Ramsey responds as she starts typing on her computer. "Now." Brian starts driving over a bridge. "I think we lost the chopper." The traffic splits in front of them to reveal a drone.
"I think we got bigger problems than that!" Brian tells her as he sees the drone.
"Oh, my God," Ramsey says as she sees it as well. Brian drops his car. "What are you doing?"
"We're going old school!" Brian answers her before driving underneath the semi truck beside them into oncoming traffic causing Brian to have to go back under the truck. Brian drives under the truck until the drone starts firing at the truck causing the driver to hit the breaks causing the trailer to swing around. Brian stays under the trailer until the drone starts shooting at them. Brian drives out from under the trailer as all of the pipes fall off of the trailer. The drone chases after them.

"It's coming back around," Ramsey says as Brian drives through the city. A cop starts chasing after Brian.
"Oh shit," Brian says as he dodges a missile from the drone that takes out the cop car. "Football's hot! I need lateral! Rome, where are you?"
"Running back charging in!" Rome answers him.
"Meet me on Third and Spring," Brian orders Rome.
"You got it," Rome tells him.
"I'm halfway there," Ramsey says as she types on her computer.
"Grab your computer! Get in the window!" Brian orders her.
"Why?" Ramsey asks him.
"Do it! Now!" Brian tells her. "You gotta go! Right now!" Ramsey gets into the window as Brian pulls his emergency break, spinning around causing smoke to fly while Rome does the same thing. Rome and Brian pass each other while Tej pulls Ramsey into their car. Brian jumps from his car before a missile hits it.
"He made it!" Tej cheers as Brian runs off of the street. "I can't believe we pulled that off."

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