Chapter One

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"Did you find it?" I asked, trying to stay as quiet as possible. "Nope, are you sure you checked everywhere? Katie whispered. "Yeah, I'm sure. Shit, my parents are gonna kill me," I said, searching frantically through the mess in my room. "I knew you shouldn't have borrowed your mom's earrings," "What? This was your idea!" I yelled in a whisper. "Yeah, but I never have good ideas, you shouldn't have listened to me," If we weren't in a silent house at three in the morning, I would have hit her with a damn frying pan.

Sometimes I ask myself why I'm friends with Katie Collins, but then I remember, that's how our friendship works. Katie has the "brilliant" ideas, then I make them happen. For example, last week, Katie thought it would be funny to get revenge on Zachary Clintwood for taking pictures of us while we were changing. So, We figured why not give him a taste of his own medicine?

Zachary and his girlfriend, Amy Reller, go skinny dipping in her hot tub every Friday night after her parents fall asleep. So, we dressed up in all black and snuck into her backyard. We crawled over to his clothes and grabbed the pile, not making a sound. Then, we tip-toed back to the front of her house, and hid behind a rose bush. Amy and I used to be good friends, so I knew her home number. I dialed the number on Katie's cellphone, that way they wouldn't know it was me. The phone rang several times. Just before I thought it would go to voicemail, a woman picked up. "...Hello? Do you know what time it is?", it was Amy's mom. I disguised my voice and said, "Sorry to bother you Mrs. Reller, but it has come to my attention that your daughter is skinny dipping in your backyard with Zachary Clintwood,". A light went on and moments later, we heard yelling coming from the backyard.

Next thing you know, naked Zachary came running from the backyard, followed by an extremely angry Mr. Reller. I quickly snapped a picture of Zach, just as Mr. Reller screamed, "...and I forbid you from ever seeing my daughter again!". I couldn't help but feel bad for Amy. She was propably in her backyard getting grounded because of us. I had nothing against Amy, she was an old friend actually. But, Katie was my best friend and best friends always come first.

Anyway, back to our current dilemma. Katie thought it would be a good idea to sneak into a college party, but to do so we needed to look like university students. We raided our moms' closets and found the most revealing dresses we could. However, we needed more than just dresses to look older. We scavenged through my mom's jewelry box and picked out some accessories, nothing too expensive, though. None of my mom's earrings went with the short sapphire dress I had picked out. Well, nothing except for my mom's one-of-a-kind diamond earrings that she had made for her wedding. Katie, however, convinced me to take the earrings and that nothing could possibly go wrong! That information was entirely false.

We went to the party and had a blast. Loud music, alcohol, older boys, what more could we ask for? However, when we got home and began taking off our party clothes, I realized the left earring was missing.

"Maybe it isn't as bad as it seems. I say we just hide the right earring in your room and your mom will think she lost them both,". It wasn't a horrible idea. It was certainly better than being honest with my mom. Not only did I lose her earring, I snuck out in the middle of the night to go to a college party. Yeah, I'd be grounded for months.

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