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"Lyla! Did you steal my diamonds!?"

I moved my Minecraft character around the base we built together. The girl in question began to giggle slightly. "Nooo~," she giggled out.

I looked over to my chat; most saying to get revenge. Chuckling darkly, I equipped my iron sword, facing Lyla's character. She seemed to take notice, beginning to run away.

We played a game of cat and mouse for about five minutes, until I finally killed her claiming my diamonds back. "Yes, I win!" Shouting happily, I finally got a look at the time. '6:40 PM'.

The stream has been on for five hours. "Okay my lovely viewers, this wraps up the stream! I'll see you all next time, bye." I raided Lyla's stream, knowing she'd be on longer.

I closed Twitch, saying my goodbyes to Lyla, before turning off my PC. As soon as everything was off, Lani ran into my room.

"Dinners ready, (y/n)." And just like that she was gone again.

Making my way downstairs, I noticed my twin, Toby, exiting his room talking on the phone.

"Your flight is tomorrow right?", he said not even noticing me.

I stayed quiet, listening in. "Yeah, you and your mom going to pick me up from the airport?" The voice sounded American, definitely not an English accent.

"Of course! Oh and you'll get to meet my brother!" Growing bored of eavesdropping, I slid into the dining room, right when the food was being set out.

Once everyone was seated, including Toby who had gotten off the phone, we began eating. I was munching on my steak when mum turned to my twin asking about his friend.

"He arrives tomorrow, we need to pick him up from the airport I think around 12 or 1 pm," he said stuffing his face with food.

I finally decided to add in, "I didn't know one of your online friends, other than Tommy, was coming over."

He turned his head toward me, seeming he forgot to tell me. He seemed to be thinking, before his eyes brightened. "Maybe we could finally tell our fans were brothers, while my friend is here. He streams too!", he practically bounced in his seat.

I looked down at my food, mumbling a, 'I'll think about it.' The rest of dinner was silent, very silent. I finished my food, excusing myself. After awhile of just sitting in my room, I got up and went to knock on Toby's door.

"Come in," he yelled allowing me access to the room.

I poked my head in, before fully entering. "(y/n), hello! Do you need something?", he asked turning away from his PC.

I looked at his screen seeing him on a call. "Are you busy?" I motioned to the Discord call. He looked over, putting himself on mute.

"No, now what does my twin need?"

My anxiety slowly took over. "I um.. I wanna do the reveal..", I mumbled. He jumped excitedly at that, giving me a hug. Turning back to his PC, he unmuted.

"Hey Ranboo, my brother will be joining us for a stream or two! You'll also meet him at the airport!" He yelled into his mic causing the other person to help in surprise.

"Awesome, y'all should probably get to bed. It's really late there, huh?", a male voice spoke.

We said our goodbyes, me heading to my room. Almost immediately falling asleep when I layed down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2021 ⏰

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