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Y / N

"Hi," I breathed into the phone nervously as the call was answered by a BigHit staff person.

"Yes," The woman answered softly. "You're Miss Y/N, right?"

I frowned. How did they know me?

"Yes, I was calling to inform that the cake is ready to be picked up." I answered anyway. Maybe Yoongi had already told the staff beforehand and they were expecting my call.

I bit my lip nervously, throwing a look at the cake I'd so carefully baked with my own hands. I just hoped that the effort I had put into it would be appreciated because I'd tried my absolute best to bake it according to Jimin's taste.

All the ingredients for the cake were organic and I had made sure to be generous with the use of strawberries, almonds and chocolate icing - everything that Jimin loved.

It had taken me half a day to get the cake done completely but I was really happy with how it had turned out—especially the silvery gold edible shimmers dusted on the strawberries that made the cake look really fancy.

There was a short pause on the other side as I held onto the phone confused. Why weren't they answering me?

"Hello? Yes, I was calling to inform that the cake is ready to be picked up. Do you want me to give you the address?" I spoke again, just in case they hadn't heard me the first time.

"Actually there seems to be a slight issue..." There was another pause, then the woman spoke again. "We are really sorry for the inconvenience Miss Y/N," The woman spoke with an apologetic voice. "-but unfortunately there's no staff on standby at the moment, and we are afraid we can't get the cake picked. Do you mind bringing the cake to the company yourself? I know it's on an incredibly short notice. We apologise for the negligence."

I shook my head, even though she wasn't watching me. "Oh, that's not a problem at all." I laughed as the head chef gave me a pointed look for being on the phone for too long.

Our bakery didn't really do deliveries but he wouldn't be mad at me if I told him that the delivery was for BTS right?

"Yes, I'll deliver it as soon as possible," I quickly disconnected the call and rushed to pick up the cake. It was twelve in the afternoon and I needed to be there in an hour.

Thankfully, the head chef didn't object when I told him that the delivery was urgent and I borrowed his car and hurriedly drove towards Gangnam where the BigHit building was located.

I reached fairly quickly as my wristwatch showed the time to be a little over half past twelve.

Running inside, I quickly asked for directions and followed a staff member to the members' practice room.

I couldn't believe that I, a mere fan, was going to see my idol group's practice room for myself.

My heart was jumping in my chest as I quietly followed the staff deeper into the building, passing several recording rooms, conference rooms and other open sitting spaces.

"Please wait here," The staff person instructed as she went inside the practice room. I frowned as I finally took in the absurdity of the situation.

This was unusual.

According to what I'd seen in Bangtan Bombs and Run BTS, all the delivery persons were made to wait outside and not really venture so far inside the company to safeguard their artists' privacy.

Why had I been brought here when they could easily have taken the cake from me outside?

Sweating nervously, I bit my lip. I glanced down at my clothes, making sure I looked presentable in case I saw one of the boys, or worse, Jimin.

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