A Late night for Zac & Cam

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A/N:A blood moon bring some feelings to the surface along with an other thing  also this was a quick one shot I did in a day. It was not my best work but I had to write one because I COULD NOT FIND ANYTHING WITH THESE TWO!! I went through it fixed errors and expanded the story enjoy!

Mimmi and Ondina were setting in the cafe chatting away with Evie like usual. Meanwhile Cam was chatting up David trying to get a free burger out of him. Mimmi was waiting for Zac to show his face in the cafe as she had important information that she needed to share with him.

"Come on Ondina! You have to be kidding me!" Evie giggled.

"Im telling you it was the most embarrassing thing i've ever seen" Ondina retorted her arms crossed in her somewhat know it all way. "Her hair was all tangled up in the net, it took hours to untangle it!" Evie was giggling thinking of the sight.

Meanwhile Mimmi was trying to think of a way to tell Zac the news she had for him. She took a sip of her mango smoothie looking back and forth from the front door and the girls she was chatting with.

Evie noticed how Mimmi was looking around and the worry in her face. "Look Mimmi He'll be here, he always is..." Evie said pulling the wandering mermaid out of her head.

"I know... It's just it really important It's your guys first Blood moon... I don't want you guys getting hurt. It can affect people in different ways" Mimmi explained.

"You don't have to worry, Carly is coming over to watch some movies and spend the night and make sure I don't do anything dangerous! And I have her talking with Cam to have him spend the night with Zac and do whatever!" Evie chirped at Mimmi, giving Mimmi a soft smile.

"I still want to make sure he knows" Mimmi said taking another sip of the mango smoothie.

Carly came around with a tray of drinks in hand and put a yellow smoothy in front of Evie. "Mimmi, I talked with Cam He's going to hang out with Zac tonight anyway it's like a guys night for them..." she put down a pink smoothy in front of Ondina "And that's from the gentlemen over there" She pointed to some teen boy reading a magazine over in one of the booths. Ondina's face dropped with the most disgusted face she could muster. "Kidding!" Carly said as she walked off. Mimmi and Evie laughed at the whole scene, with no amusement from Ondina.

"Oh Shut Up!" Ondina yelled crossing her arms, glaring at the girls.


Cam Pulled his phone out of his pocket and opened his messenger

3:45pm Cam: Hey so Mimi said that 2nite is like a blood moon or something and its like dangerous for mermaid on their first one? So she wanted me 2 hang out and keep u company 4 the night.

3:46pm Zac: She does know where hanging out 2nite already right? Any way what she want me 2 do then?

3:46pm Cam: Just to stay inside and keep the blinds closed so u don't c the moon...

3:47pm Zac: Odd... ok hey u bringing the Movie?

3:47pm Cam: Yup ran by the rental place this morning!

3:47pm Zac: Great c u @ 7 then ;)

3:48pm Cam: Dude...


The sun had set and Cam was in Zac's bungalow, it was around nine and they had just finished the horror movie Cam had rented. Zac's Parents were out visiting some relatives for the weekend so the place was quite. The boys had finished the pizza they got an hour ago and still had the munchies.

Zac opened the pizza box just to close it again. "Should've brought more food, forgot I couldn't leave my room to go get food" He said leaning back and sliding down his couch a bit.

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