Lose my "v", seduce and sex

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Living in a house full of whores is insignificant in some way and unsatisfying especially if most of them are your elder sisters and the madam is your own mother. You might ask who my father is. Well, I actually have no clue. Most of us are only half-sisters since my mom or what we usually call "madam " engaged to different love affairs resulting to giving birth to us.

Well not all of us are half-sisters, some applied to be whores or entertainers. Most of my elder sisters already followed what my mom suggested us to be "a man's happiness." But no I did not follow my sisters and mom's steps, it's time to bring a change to this family.

I’m  not doing this not because I’m ugly or fat. I’m actually a good looking teen girl. With a curvaceous body hugging my fit and sexy clothes, I die to hard ass and boobs, luscious lips to be kiss and an angelic face any man can fall for. With the age of only 17 years old, 5'8 height, 24 size hips and cup size 36C.

Every teenage boy in school bows down whenever we sisters enter the halls of New Salle High School. Yup my sisters and I are really close and we respect each of our decisions. I love all of my half-sisters. I know other people might have a bad impression about us but I can’t change how we are made. When I was a kid I dread the day I turn 16 because it’s the time we start doing the things an entertainer should do. But thank goodness my family understands me. So no I am not like one of them.

"Hey Al dinner is up you don’t want us to drag you down.” My elder sister Amy calls me jokingly. Al is the nickname my sisters calls me. I roll my eyes at her.

“No need to.” I say to her “And besides you can’t drag me.”

“Oh so you want proof huh?” she says ready to grab me. I back away.

“No, no, no way! I was joking!”

She smirks at me

“Good now hurry up we still have work to do.”

 She says as we head down to the dining table. I sigh, every Fridays till Sunday evening my sisters work on our brothel. The brothel is a few blocks from our place, our identities are hidden to avoid dirt thrown at our face.

After dinner, as usual I am left with my younger sisters who are 13-15 years old. Since it’s a Friday evening I called my friend and asked her if I could come over to her house. She agrees and was even thankful I called because she is having a party.

“Great.” I said, hanged up and put on my cutest top and fitting pants. There is still a slight percent of my mother’s blood in me. XD

The party was full of our schoolmates, all with dates or friends. Most of the girls are wearing tight fit clothes showing the sexiness of their body. I rolled my eyes at the thought. They are all trying hard to surpass our greatness.

I chatted first with my friends and later entered the disco hall. The beat of the music pounds through the big speakers. Every person are in the dance floor. Either dancing alone, with partners or in groups.

At least I can hang out and party than do the dirty job my sisters are doing. I  make my way through the crowd and dance to the beat of the music, gaining the eyes of most of the guys who kepts on checking me out even they have dates. Jerks! I gave them my deadliest glare sending them all to look away. I hate men checking me out. It’s like they’re feasting me with their thoughts.

I was dancing and enjoying the music when I felt arms wrap behind me. I was about to pull away when I saw who it is. It’s no other than heartthrob, casanova and team basketball captain Drey Johnson .He is looking at me with his deep and heated eyes, those gray pull of eyes dragging me down to its dept. He swayed to the music making me follow his every move. Damn! This guy can dance!

Revenge (Unedited)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon