Chapter 1

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Spencer POV //

"Hey mum have you seen Eddie?" I asked walking into the school nurses office. Eddie never misses a single lesson, he doesn't ditch class or school, him just vanishing into thin air just isn't him. We've spoken to all the teachers who know Eddie really well and they haven't seen him. Today the British Ski Jumping Association have come to our school to speak to Eddie specifically and he is nowhere to be found.

Mum looked at Izzy and me and nodded pointing behind the curtain "his been sat in here for about two hours, have none of the teachers noticed him missing from class?" She asked.

"Eddie is the invisible kid...sorry Eddie." Izzy said looking guilty. As bad as it sounds he is the invisible kid but not in a bad way as such, he just doesn't cause any issues, doesn't hand homework in late mostly his homework is early and his reminding me and Izzy that it's due, but he just gets on with it and the teachers appreciate that, I would know our English teacher is my Dad.

"I can't go out there, what if I make a fool of myself?" Eddie asked stepping out from behind the curtain, pushing up his glasses he sighed shaking his head "I'm not going."

"You have the best opportunity of your life standing right in front of you Ed, you do understand that if everything goes well you'll be joining the British olympics don't you?" I asked "it's just a meeting and they'll give you a time and a date for a try out, you can do this, you haven't broken god knows how many pairs of glasses or windows or hurt yourself trying to find your sport for the olympics to give up now, all that determination has paid off, now straighten yourself up, relax, let your passion do the talking." I smiled sorting out his tie and fixing his hair.

"I raised a smart girl." Dad said walking in with Will, covered in blood and mud, mum sighed rolling her eyes "it's like a bloody family meeting in here, what's he done now?"

Will is my younger brother, his 12 and a massive pain in the ass. I don't mean that in a horrible way his just a pain in the ass, once a week he'll be in at least one detention for answering back, messing around in class, fighting with his friends, his a walking shaken up bottle of coke with a mint in it.

"We we're playing football and I went to tackle Larry and I skidded across the ground and smacked my face on the goal post and have a nose bleed." Will said making Izzy and me burst out laughing, I would of paid so much money to see that.

"Will I just got you that uniform, me and your dad are teachers, we don't make a lot of money. You three go to that meeting and Eddie dear good luck I know you'll smash it and Spencer I left your weekend bag in the staff room, Tom is picking you up after school." Mum said making me roll my eyes.

Tom is mine and Will's biological dad, but him and my mum broke up before Will was born. We don't call him dad because his been very in and out of our lives but Danny is our step dad who has raised us since Will was 6 months old, he has been the perfect father figure and Will and I have his last name.

Eddie, Izzy and I walked out of the hall way and headed for the meeting room, it's nothing fancy just an oversized office which is used for big and important meetings and our principal has very kindly allowed Eddie to use it for his interview. Our school has been very supportive of Eddie and his journey to becoming a ski jumper, they've given him extra time on homework even though he doesn't really need it, they've allowed him to have days off school for practice which won't affect his attendance. They've just been really good and offering him support wherever and whenever he needs it.

"You'll smash it Ed." Izzy smiled giving him a hug, I nodded in agreement and hugged the both of them "we'll wait out here."

Eddie took a deep breath in and nodded with a smile, with one final push of his glasses he turned the handle and walked into the office.


"Tom this isn't fair, I've always been there for Eddie and now he has the huge opportunity and you won't even let me go celebrate with him?" I asked pushing my food around my plate, Will didn't have to come with me to our biological dads because he has a football tournament but he also gets to celebrate with Eddie, mum, dad, Jeanette - Eddie's mum, Terry - Eddie's dad, Izzy and Susan - Izzy's mum.

Eddie got through the interview and they've asked him to go to their training centre on Saturday. I want to be there for him and celebrate him but no I have to stay here while our bio-dad integrates me about our mums relationship which she's been in for 12 years.

"I haven't seen you for two months, I'd like to spend some time with you and if you don't mind calling me dad I'd much appreciate it, it hurts you don't call me that." Tom said making me laugh "no no I haven't seen you for two months because you decided to stop replying to our texts but were happily posting on Facebook about the woman you met two days before, and I'll start calling you dad when you start acting like one, it hurts that you never even try with us-"

"That is unfair, I have always tried making an effort with you kids you know that." He argued.

Here we go again, it's always someone else's fault never his, it's never his fault he decided to get up and leave, it's never his fault he got fired from a job for sleeping with his bosses wife, it's never his fault he broke Will's arm 6 months ago by asking Will to help with his car and leaving his handbrake off so the car rolled over his arm. It's never his fault it's always someone else's and he can do no wrong and everyone is out to get him.

He met woman on Facebook two months ago, spoke for a day and a half maybe two and then decided to go spend time with Spain without telling anyone.

"When's our birthdays?" I asked.

"Yours is March 21st and Will's is September 19th." Tom said proudly.

"January 10th and December 27th, okay maybe that was a little too hard, what football team does Will play for?"

"The...brown...united?" He asked.

"The blue rockets, he plays for the blue rockets. You know nothing about us, you don't take the time to get to know us, you're meant to be our dad but you act like a stranger, you have to put in the effort, we're not some woman you meet on a night out and then randomly decide to meet up with again because you got bailed on, we're not your back up plans." I said standing up and taking my plate to the kitchen, emptying all the food into the bin I sighed shaking my head, I'm glad Will isn't here. Tom upsets him every time somehow by saying something stupid, or doing something stupid, making Will feel small and unimportant, like we don't matter and his just doing it because he has a court order to.

Feeling my phone vibrate in my back pocket I smiled reading the text.

[Eddie 🎿 - Thank you for your pep talk earlier, I wouldn't of gone to that interview without you pushing me, hope you're okay at Tom's, speak tonight?]

[Me - you don't have to say thank you I know you'd do that same if it was me, it's okay I guess wish I was celebrating with you guys and sure I'll be going to bed at like 9:30/10ish speak then? Also I'm so proud of you, you've got that spot on the team I know you have]

Sighing I put my phone away and headed upstairs to get a start on my homework, nothing better to do I guess.

A/N // I'm not entirely sure how these things go, I'm not sure if there are many Taron/Eddie the eagle stories out there but Eddie is such a loveable and a adorable character that I wish I could be friends with in real life, I just hope you enjoy it. If you see the ✨✨✨ that just means a time jump. I'm not sure if there's going to be swearing or any sexual stuff in here I doubt it but if there is I'll put a warning at the start of the chapter etc, I'd rate this a book a PG13 or a 12 just because I'm not entirely sure where this going, anyway Enjoy and also follow me on Instagram at taronspurplerucksack

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2021 ⏰

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