Counting Down (Phan)

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Time seems to be going slower. With each second Phil looks it seems to be going slower. He looks at his wrist seeing each second count down. A perfect narrow rectangle with rounded corners with a thin green outline layes in silence on Phil's wrist. It was normal, everyone had one. Some had no number to count down from, which was a sad life to live. When the number was at zero the first person you see is your soul mate. Phil's number was shorter than most. Most numbers were around 25 years. From the first time he remembered what his number was it said 13 years, 5 months, 23 days, 3 hours, 23 minutes and 5 seconds. Now, after some time, it was down to 8 months, 26 days, 2 hours, 45 minutes and 9 seconds. He couldn't seem to stop looking at it count down. Everyone who's number has finished and found there sole mate seemed incredibly happy. Everything in there world was complete. Phil had no idea what his sole mate would be like or looked like. Where he will be or what he'll be doing. All he knows is someone out there had the exact number on there wrist waiting for it to count down and find Phil. What if they don't like me, Phil thinks of this normally as he watches it count down in his room. He always thinks about what he may be doing as it reaches zero or who it will be he sees.

"PJ, I don't know how much longer i can wait". Phil said as he layed in his bed. His friend PJ was over, which lucky for him, found his sole mate already.

"Phil, trust me. When you meet them it's all worth the wait". He smiled, looking up from him phone to see Phil watching it count down.

"What is it like, when there's seconds to go and you know you have to be where you are and your about to meet the person your about to spend the rest of your life with"? He asked looking up from his whist momentarily to lock eyes with PJ for a couple seconds before they look back at there own things.

"It's like breathing for the first time, after drowning for years you meet your breath. And it feels the same for them, it's amazing. Then you instantly become attached and fall in love". PJ explained one again.

"Was Chris what you expected"? Phil asked hesitantly.

"You never get what you expect. To be true i didn't expect a guy, but no matter. He was still perfect to me, and i wouldn't change it for the world". PJ said.

Phil sighed, watching the seconds pass. 5 4 3 2 1. 2 months, 12 days, 6 hours and 25 minutes now. PJ looked at him, if anyone was as needy to see the number hit zero it was Phil.

"Don't worry Phil". He paused, trying to find the right words at Phil looked at him. "Time will fly".


It was in the library. Phil was finding a book on the selves. Grabbing one to see his wrist, at 5 minutes. After a wile Phil decided to stop looking at his wrist, it would help time pass and maybe stop his anxiety. He still stole glances from time to time, but guess not in a wile for there he was in shock about to meet the person he's waited his whole life for in 5 minutes. PJ was right, time did fly. He took some breaths, tried to keep looking for a book. Soon finding 'The Fault In Our Stars', so what if he's read it 1000 times. He found a stop in the middle of the library, on a long wood rectangle table. Sitting alone, looking up from the book to around the room. It didn't look like anyone was looking at there wrist like he was, maybe they knew it wasn't there time anywhere soon.

4 minutes

Phil started reading the pages faster and faster, before he doesn't know what words he was reading. The seconds counting down and Phil's breaths growing deepen and for frequent. 'Maybe if i settle down the time will go by faster', he thought flipping the page seeing his wrist.

2 minutes

'God fucking sake what will I say? Will i freeze and just sit here or will i talk to much'? He kept freaking himself out again. 'Well if there your sole mate they wont care much what i'll do, but goddamn it what am i gonna do'?

60 seconds

'ohgodohgodohgod what if they don't like me? Maybe they'll pretend there number is still going and walk away, oh god what if im lonely for the rest of my life'? Phil kept asking himself questions and feeling himself shake slightly as he turned the page.

20 seconds

Phil looked around, seeing some people reading or looking on the selves. He was a wreak, keeping himself ok on the outside but all hell on the inside.

10 seconds

'Im not ready, im not ready to fall in love with a random stranger and im not ready to see who i spend the rest with and im not ready to be someones everything'.

5 seconds

'But on the other hand it might feel good to be loved and find a true best friend and person to love back, and maybe when i see them i will be ready and everything will fall into place'.

2 seconds

'Two second mother of fucking Jesus a few seconds ago it was 13 years till i see then, in not ready im not ready. They wont like me, i'll be lonely, all this time, they'll pretend the number is still going'.


Seeing the number stop took Phil's breath, he looked up from his wrist. A boy staiting at his wrist and speeding past, stopped and looked right at Phil's book. The boy was slender, and thin. His chestnut hair fell softly on the sides of his cheeks. Which were rosy from the cold outside air. His eyes, a darker brown than his hair, were like the earth. Brown as the dirt under our feet, as which we live on. His skin golden, like a perfect light tan for the dim cold weather of the UK.

"'The Fault In Our Stars'". He paused, His voice soft yet full of feeling, looking up from the book at Phil and smiling. "Iv read that".

A smile to form on Phil's lips. "Some infinities are bigger then other infinities". Phil responded, his voice louder then he thought he would manage to pull.

"Ready to start our infinite"? He asked.

"I think so". Phil said smiling with a small nod. He set his book down, it closing with a small noise that started there infinite.

Hey ^_^ if you didn't notice already this sucked, i spelled many things wrong and it's not very well put together. But i liked it :3 sorry for the spelling, the word processor on my computer doesn't do spell check and im so bad at editing. So i hoped you like it, express your love for it in the comments if you have time and i hope to talk to you soon :D Bye <333

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