Chapter 1

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Gazing down at my 18 month old son laying in his toddler bed, sleeping peacefully I can help but smile. His soft features upon his face as he breathes softly through his nose and out past his plump lips that he inherited from his father. It all made my chest burst with love for this little guy, a mommy's boy is what he is and a mommy's boy he will forever be.

"Mama loves you Minho. My little baba."

I cooed reaching down to caress the top of his head gently but retrieved my hand once I heard his bedroom door open from behind.

"Babe? Is he asleep?"

I hummed at my husband and gave one last loving look to my baby before walking out the room with my husband to quietly close the door.

"Jimin is there something wrong?"

I asked him when I noticed his trouble expression and the way he stepped back away from me stuffing his hands into his trouser pockets. Maybe it's work?

He's been working a lot lately.

"We need to talk y/n." Jimin

Taking my hand he quickly scurried towards our shared bedroom dragging me along behind him and closed the door gently once we were inside.

Nervously I took a seat on the edge of the bed, fiddling with my fingers and picking at them. A nervous tick of mine and with the way he sighs heavily he knows I'm nervous and full of anxiety right now.

"Y/n it's nothing bad." Jimin

"You're not going to leave me?"

I looked up at him with tears in my eyes already. We've been together since we were fourteen and now in our mid twenties, I wouldn't be able to survive without him. He's all I've ever known and I love him so very much.

Jimin seeing my tears shook his head rapidly and slid across the floor on his knees until he was in front of me cupping my cheeks to direct me to gaze into his eyes.

"No y/n. I'm not going to leave you. Not now, not ever." Jimin

"You promise?"

"Of course I promise. I thought I made that clear the day I vowed to be your husband?" Jimin

I smiled and nodded leaning forward as he pulls me closer to peck my forehead, left cheek and then lips.

"So what do you want to talk about?"

Jimin exhaled softly through his nose and sat down beside me taking my hands in his.

"Lately I've been thinking about our....well our sex life and well I think something is missing." Jimin

"Is it because my body has changed since having minho?"

His eyes bulged out of his head and instantly shook his head with denial before scrunching you his face showing his distain.

"No your body is to die for y/n. Having Minho hasn't changed that." Jimin

"But I have stretch marks now."

I pouted at him. Jimins eyes wondered up and down my body until he gazed into my eyes.

"It doesn't matter. Your body is a temple and those marks just show the world that you brought a beautiful baby boy into the world and for that I can never thank you enough for Minho." Jimin

He whispered that last part just to kiss my cheek and make me blush all over. Even after all these years he makes me feel this way except I kind of agree with Jimin about something missing in our sex life.

"So what do you think is missing in our sex life Jimin?"

Again he sighed before throwing himself backwards against our bed for his arms to stretch out above his head.

"I don't know that's the thing." Jimin

After he said that there was a pause in the air. Neither one of us spoke while we both stayed in our thoughts.

Our love for one another hasn't disappeared that's for sure. Not a doubt in my mind about my feelings to my husband and he's assured me that he still loves me dearly as he does every day. Very affectionate with his words and physically.

But I can't deny that after spending over ten years together a problem has arisen and we don't know the root of the problem just yet.

A click sound came from behind me and I looked over my shoulder just in time for Jimin to push himself back up to sitting position.

"I know what we can do." Jimin


A grin spread across his face and he took my hand onto his lap.

"Babe, I think we should go see a sex therapist." Jimin

Honestly that shocked me. Never did I think we were that bad that we would need to see a therapist. But a sec therapist?

"People do that? I mean about sex?"

He nods and giggled lightly.

"Hell yeah they do. Listen y/n, maybe this can help us with our problem. I've never been to one before but I've heard of people seeing one and never has there been bad results out of it." Jimin

"Oh I don't know Jimin. It sounds a little weird. Talking about to a stranger about our personal and very sexual desires just makes me feel uncomfortable."

Cringing I shivered just by thinking about it but Jimin tugged on my hand begging for my attention again. Seeing his pleading eyes was hard to resist especially with that puppy eyes he does.

"Please y/n. Just once and if you still think it's that bad then we never have to go back again. You won't be alone, I'll be right beside you. Just please." Jimin

I only stared into his soft eyes. Pouting his lips and leaning his head on my shoulder gazing up at me cutely.

This man will be the death of me.

"Okay fine. I'll try it out for you but promise me if I don't like it we won't go back?"

He nods and then tackles me to the bed just to smother me in kisses all over my face causing me to giggle.

"Oh god I love you." Jimin

"And I love you too."

This therapy stuff better work.

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