World Fair

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As the seasons changed, the World Fair came to the city, something Jimin and June had eagerly anticipated all year. That was until Jimin discovered his sister had invited the Jeon's to join them.

Jimin pouted miserably. He was happy at the invitation extending to Hope Jeon, but wished it didn't include her insufferable brother. He had never met anyone quite as infuriating as Jungkook Jeon. It seemed they were incapable of being in the same room without disagreeing over even the smallest things.

Just to prove the point, the day before the fair, both had been involved in yet another standoff. Jungkook had allowed his ground keeper to burn hedge trimmings, right beside Snow cottage. Smoke had drifted straight through the grounds of the house, so much, they had to close all the windows, and bring the sheets in from the washing line.

"Mr Jeon, out of all the land you own, could you not have found a spot that wasn't right beside Snow Cottage to incinerate your foliage?" Jimin bellowed without constraint, unable to stop his eyes focusing on the cute little mole that sat just below the man's bottom lip.

"The bonfire was well inside my land, and although I have control over many things, I unfortunately do not control the earthly elements. I cannot change the direction of the wind Mr Park." Jungkook argued back, all the while feeling his heart flutter at seeing his neighbour's angry pout.

That most recent argument made for particularly uncomfortable silence as the four rode the carriage together to the World Fair. June had brought a book, and across the gap between them, she tried to discuss passages with Hope, however, the jerkiness of the road was causing problems.

"Brother?" June eventually declared, looking for a solution.

"Please swap seats with Hope, so I can discuss this book properly" she continued.

"Pardon?" Jimin replied wide eyed, realising any potential move would have him seated next to his nemesis.

Unyielding stares from both ladies gave him very little option but to oblige. So, at the first opportunity, they switched seats, leaving him cosied up to Jungkook.

His neighbour was dressed as impeccable than ever, an outfit that complimented his strong build, and being sat so close, gave Jimin the chance to inhale a pleasant clean scent, that almost had him leaning in a little closer, until he forcefully stopped himself.

A small cough escaped Jimin's lips, as he adjusted himself more comfortably, causing Hope to ask if he was feeling well. He quickly steered his thoughts away from Jungkook's remarkable physique to provide an answer.

"Yes, there was a lot of smoke around the cottage yesterday, maybe some got on my chest" Jimin , sarcastically replied and felt June kick him in the shin, pleading him to not start yet another argument with their neighbour.

Maybe putting the two in an enclosed space wasn't such a good idea, the ladies concluded, but thankfully they faced away from each other, finding the passing countryside of great interest and the rest of the journey remained uneventful.

Arriving at the large exhibition hall, the atmosphere changed again. Horses, carriages and people filled the streets on the approach and there was a noticeable difference in the demeanour of the great owner of Hannam Hill.

"It's very busy" Jungkook shakily muttered, almost inaudibly, his eyes suddenly wide and glued to the window of the carriage.

His hands involuntary moved to his ears, a possible symptom of nerves, Jimin had seen with young Tae from time to time. It seemed his haughty neighbour was anxious in crowded places.

Hope leaned across and laid a reassuring hand on her brother's knee for a moment.

"It's just busy outside, brother. It's an exceptionally large exhibition hall and it will seem better once we are inside" she whispered, her soft words doing their job and appeasing his worries.

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