Bandit and Ela, who both hate each other, are drugged, kidnapped, and locked away somewhere off the radars, so they have to work together to get out. Or so they thought.
Somewhere deep underground, Bandit and Ela (Dominic and Elizabeth) were knocked out on the squeaky double mattress, still in their casual clothes from yesterday. (See below, sorry if it looks not nice, this took me only 10 minutes.)
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Dominic was the first one to wake up. He looked confused, his memory and vision were blurry. Then the memory of him standing somewhere (he doesnt remember where) with Ela came back to him. Dominic looked to his right and saw Ela sprawled across the bed next to him. This made him jump, which woke Ela up. She also practically jumped out of bed, and looked just as confused as him.
"Bandit? What the fuck? Where am I?" She asked. "How am I supposed to know?" he snapped..
The room they were in was quite spacious, there was a small bookshelf with 3 books, a bed with a blanket and pillows, and even a mini fridge. But there wasnt any heating, they noticed.
Bandit stood up, headed to the door, opened it and walked out. Ela followed him shortly after. But after nearly 2 hours of exploring the cold and dingy place (and a lot of arguing) it seemed that their room was the only habitable place in the entire tunnel or dungeon because everywhere else was cold and wet. They both reluctantly went back to the room and sat on the opposite sides of the bed, not daring to face each other.
Finally, after 10 minutes of awkward silence, Elizabeth blurted out, "Who do you think sent us here? The White Masks?" Bandit turned to face Ela, and she did the same. "Yeah, probably. But why?" "Who knows? It's the white masks. Remember when they gassed a university for no reason?" "Barlett University..." Bandit sighed.
It fell silent again, and the pair sat on the bed quietly for 30 minutes until Bandit started to snore. Ela slightly smiled, looked at the clock on the wall, and fell asleep as well, even though they both woke up only 3 hours ago.