Letter Number Seventeen

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Dear God,

Life sucks. It has been stolen from me. I am not dead yet but every time I breath it is like a little slip of my sole is going out of my mouth and I am slowly dying.

See, just as I thought that I could have a little bit of light in my big pit of dark called life, it was covered and masked by a dark storm cloud I like to call Emma.

Emma. Just thinking her name makes my insides twist as the image of her huge storm cloud of a face crushes together with my sun also known as Trey.

I was watching out the window of my hospital room and I saw the horrid scene happen. Emma walked out of a paticent's room looking like she had been crying. Trey, who at the moment was about to come into my room, turned around and looked at Emma. I watched in silence as he left my door and walked over to her. He engulfed the big storm cloud in a hug and stayed there for a while. As if my heart wasn't broken enough, he then tipped up her chin and kissed her right on the lips.

God, that was when my heart broke. My eyes slowly started to water as I felt my throat close up and start to burn as I tried and failed to hold in my tears. It was then when I realized that I didn't just like him. I was beginning to love him. He was the one person who was ever there for me. My parents were dead so they were never there. The orphanage that had me in the first place had no decent people in it so they weren't here. My nurses had given up on me. It's almost like you have given up on me. Trey was the one person who was there.

I had only known Trey for almost a month now and he had made me feel a way no one had ever made me feel in the sixteen years I have lived my lonely life. I loved him from the tips of his curly brown hair to his honey colored eyes that made you feel as though you could tell him anything and he would never judge you. I loved him from the tip of his six foot two body to the toes of his feet. I loved him from the corners of his smile that held a deep dimple on each side to his long toned arms. I loved him from the soft sound of his voice when he would read to me to the way he would set my mammoth sized butterflies lose in my stomach. He was perfect to me. But it is not his looks or his voice that makes me love him the most, it is his personality.

So God, as I watched as she kissed him with passion and love and he did the same, that was when I decided that life sucks. I am not dead yet but my life has been stolen and I am ready to give into death. See God, Trey was the only light in my world and now it is poring down rain and the forecast had predicted that there is no light to ever come again.

Please help.


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