Lifes special...or so they tell me.

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Hey peeps'z. i wrote this story for fun and didnt know if i should continue. please comment/vote/fan. love you peeps. btw i will post a few more chapter so you know wut its about :) thnx chu!!!!!


Chapter 1:

        What's Special?

         Life. It's a word, scratch that it's a something more then a word. It's something that has baffled philosopher after philosopher. It's was brings men down to their knees and woman to weep unashamed. It's what has brought many to faith and religion, and many more to give up their beliefs. It has made sane men and women grow fanatical, and the most passionate of people to fall into cold hate and anger. Life is not merely a word, its revolving force of nature that is our everyday, our being of influence. The thing that is more then just a heart beat and breath, a thing that cannot be broken or destroyed, but can be ended and shattered. Life, something that the wisest of men cannot unlock, but the poorest of men can subsist.

         Well this is about one life, mine. My name is Levi. No not like the jeans, it's from Levi in the bible, and as it turns out Levi wasn't the greatest of guys in the Bible, I mean he sold his own brother for Pete sake. Anyway this story isn't about that Levi, it's about me. You probably already guess by my name that my family is religious. Well you'd be absolutely right. We attend church every Sunday, and read devotion's most every night. We'd be your perfect model of a good Christian family if it wasn't for one problem, we weren't. It's not a completely accurate guess to assume that my whole family is Christian

         You see when my mom was married she wasn't a Christian. She became a Christian later on, unfortunately my dad didn't. He is not only a non-Christian but he almost does all things opposite. He's a drunkard you see, which means that every Saturday night is locked up in your room night, oh and yelling night because he also beats my mom. Well it's not her who's yelling, it's him, screaming curses at her, and all other stuff. She is too strong to yell and weep that easy, strong enough to not get a divorce. Strong enough to live everyday through hardship, and yet still have a smile on her face for her children. That's always been my mom, a strong and devout woman with a loving heart.

         Well that's about other people. As I've said before this story is about me. Well I live in a ranch style house in the middle of a suburb. I go to Intrestrial Institute for Teenage Intellectuals or IITI for short. (Its pronounced eye-tie. I know its weird but much better then saying Intrestrial Institute... ok you get the idea). I have no idea who came up with the word Intrestrial, but I do know that whoever did must have been a nutcase.

         Well by the last part of that sentence (Teenage Intellectuals) you probably think that means I'm smart. Well I am, but that's not what it means. What it basically says, and what parents try to convince otherwise of, is "Insolent Institute for Tykes and Idiots." I made it up and it's now the catchphrase of all the kids. Unfortunately it got carried all the way to the principle.

         Anyway; all the kids here are "Special" but we can't discover what exactly is "Special". None of us is mentally challenged (A.K.A. retarded). We're all smart, but that's not weird.

         Well one day this was just the topic between me and my three best friends John, Forest, and last but not least Alaska. Btw don't say anything about her name, because she hates it. I went too far one day and went home with a beauty of a shiner. You probably think that was mean, ok it was mean but there's more to her then meets the eye. Anyway as I was saying we were on the topic of our "specialty" at lunch in our school cafeteria.

         "Maybe we have like super powers," remarked the muscular and not overly bright Forest. "Like Spider-Man or maybe Superman. You know who I'd be don't cha! Huh? huh?" he asked us.

         "No," I said rather unconcerned.

         "I bet I'd be like the Hulk," he said and flexed his larger than normal but still rather sad, muscles.

         "More like Mrs. Stupidity," said Alaska rather indifferent.

         "You wanna say that to my face cupcake?" said Forest rather offended and angry.

         "I just did," said Alaska and played with her food.

         "Well..." said Forest with a look like he was trying to figure out what she had just said.

         "Com'on guys. Cant we act like we love each other," I asked.

         "No," said Alaska, and ate a noodle that she had been chasing on her plate. Forest kept looking like he was on another (or I think from another) planet. I sighed, and looked around the cafeteria. There were the tables of the poplars, tables of nerds, geeks and dweebs, and oh ya, the athletes. They were overly loud and kept winking at the cheerleaders at the other tables, who in turn giggled till they almost choked their food. I rolled my eyes and then looked around the rest of the cafeteria. There were the "freaks" on their own tables scattered around. They were the peeps who people avoided like the plague. I looked at the new painted cafeteria.  It had burned down last summer, due to a prank that went wrong, and it was rebuilt right before this school year. It looked good and very clean; I wondered how long that would last.

         "Yo," said Alaska. I looked at her to find she was staring at me. "You left us for a moment."

         "Oh ya," I said a gave a half hearted chuckle. "You know..." I started but was interrupted.

         "No I don't know," said Alaska. I glared at her and said,

         "I wasn't finished."

         "I know but you asked a question and I answered it."

         "Knock it off Alaska," I said and she shrugged. "As I was saying I think we should investigate this problem."

         "I'm in," said Forest who seemed to have found his way back to earth.

         "Sure," said Alaska indifferent.

         "Sure," said John. I started. I had forgotten John was there, he had been so quiet.

         "You haven't been talking John. Anything up?" I asked, rather concerned. He was a very bright and cheery guy but sometimes he fell into depressions. Then he would be almost silent for a month before he became himself again.

         "Nothin' outta the ordinary," he said. "Hey have you noticed something," he said with new interest.

         "I've noticed a lot today," said Alaska "like your wearing a yellow shirt."

         "Shuddup Alaska," I said annoyed. "What cha mean John?"

         "Have you noticed that there are just people who kinda dissapear around here?"

         "Not really," I said. "But I'm sure that people drop out in the middle of the year, sometimes people can't keep their grades up or they move or a lotta things."

         "Ya I guess your right," he said then kinda shrunk back into his chair. I looked at him questioningly, but when he didn't say anything I let his odd behavior go.

         "Hey are ya'll doing anything tomorrow night," I asked?

         "No," they said in unison.

         "Why," asked Alaska?

         "Well," I asked uncomfortable. "Tomorrow's Saturday night and I was just gonna see if ya'll wanted to hang?" John was the only one who knew my predicament with my dad and he looked at me knowingly.

         "Sure," he said.

         "I'll call ya'll later," I said just as the bell rang. I took my tray of food and dumped what was left on it into the trash. Then I headed to my second period classes

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