A.S=Ace Savvy
FHG=Full House Gang./The Full Deck.
[Later, In The Underwater Base.]
Saber Champion, And Lord Swordsmaster are in the base,
Lord Swordmaster: I have been getting reports of crimes rapidly. We have NEVER seen the rate of crimes that fast.
Saber Champion: How Bad?
Lord Swordmaster: The crime per day should be 5.50, but now it's 948.82.
Saber Champion: WHAT!!!!!
Lord Swordsmaster: Yeah. We can Not do it alone anymore.
Saber Champion: So what should we do.
Lord Swordsmaster: Use the Chaos Emeralds?
Saber Champion: Oh, God NO!
Lord Swordmaster: Which type of superhero would we use?
[Saber Champion throws a card on Lord Swordmaster.]
Saber Champion: I know what we should use. CARDS.
Lord Swordsmaster: Perfect.
[The two gets the Chief of Royal Woods.]
TLH: The Attack Of the Enemies.
ActionVoid Titan, the most powerful non-demonic enemy, has been sent!