🌌Bonus: The star festival 🌌

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DISCLAIMER: This chapter might contain spoilers for the star festival arc
[Third person POV]


Ah yes, the sound of Hanako’s stressed out whining… How satisfying…

Hanako found out that Yashiro invited Kou to go to a festival outside of the school and he chose to respond… violently

Hanako: A festival?? Just the two of you?? Outside the school? NOT FAIR! You know we’re earth-bound spirits… We can’t step out of this school… LOOK AT HOSHIKO, SHE’S DEPRESSED!

Hoshiko: Please don’t drag me into your problems No. 7…

Hoshiko was also there but unlike Hanako, she’s not as bothered by not being able to go to the festival

Hanako: So you’re saying you’re not bothered one bit?

Hoshiko: Mm-hmm

Hanako: Are you sure?

Hoshiko: I’m sure of it No. 7


Hoshiko: Why are you trying so hard to depress me…

Yashiro: Hanako-kun!

Yashiro yanked him away from Hoshiko and whispered to him

Yashiro: You know I’m only trying to cheer up Kou-kun and that festivals only happen outside of the school. How about I just bring you a souvenir?

Hanako pouted

He didn’t really like the idea of those two being alone together

But Hanako had an idea

Hanako: Hmmm, what if we just go to a festival here? We can meet at the misaki stairs on July 7th!

He smiled very suspiciously

Yashiro and Kou were very confused and as for Hoshiko…

Hoshiko: Thanks but I’ll pass

Hanako: You’re kidding right?

Hoshiko: Absolutely not^^

[On July 7th]

Yashiro, Kou along with Yako were already waiting at the meeting place while Hanako and Hoshiko were nowhere to be found

Sooner or later Hanako came floating toward them but Hoshiko was still missing

Yashiro: Hanako-kun, I thought you said you would convince Hoshiko to come along

Hanako: I did!

Yashiro: Then where is she?

Hanako: Oh, she’ll be here. I made sure that she’ll come

Hanako started counting down as he held something in his hand

Hanako: She’ll be here in 3… 2..

Kou: Wait a minute isn’t that-

Hanako: 1-ACK

Before he hit zero, Hanako was interrupted by a shoe thrown directly at his face causing him to let go of the object he was holding earlier

Turns out, that object he was holding was Hoshiko’s camera and Hoshiko was not very happy about it

Hoshiko: I knew it…

She gave Hanako a cold glare that looked unforgiving as she picked up her camera off the ground and her shoe off of Hanako’s face

Hanako: I’m sorry Hoshiko but I had to! What would we do without our special photographer hm? And besides... you wouldn't miss your own birthday would you?

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