#2"любимая*my love*"

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As he scans her face he couldn't help but let his eyes explore her, from her beautiful grey eyes, to her soft pink lips, to the little necklause hanging around her neck, to the large winter cardigan she had on.

**"I told you not to waste money on me love. You know how clumsy I get" she says as I put the crystal around her neck, kissing it as i finish.**

He noticed how she shivered alot

"Was she cold" he thought to himself, feeling a bump suddenly hit his wrist while he was stroking a piece of her cardigan, looking at her then back at the too oversized jacket he opens it up and notices the almost melon shape in her belly. Since she was wearing a turtle neck black shirt and fluffy black pants, she was shivering from the hand that lifted her shirt, exposing her tummy for him to see.

His head tilted a bit as the girl moves pieces of hair behind his ear, while he is poking her stomach, fascinated at how big but also so small. so He started to mumble to her.

"Love" the women asks as she notices he's saying something in russian yet he is restricted by the mask.

"любимая" my love

His head snaps up, his eyes widen in surprise. The soldier had only heard degrading words, slurs, curses and insults in different languages. Or it could be the words he despised the most but never had he heard such soft words been spoken to him.

Not knowing she has said it to him numerous of time before


she giggled, " I cant hear you my darling, here" with slow movements she takes off his mask, slowly loving how her fingertips brushed his stubble face, the love in each others eyes as they looked at one and other.

" let's try that again" setting the mask next to her knowing he would need it later.

"почему у тебя такой красивый живот такой большой?" He said Still staring at her stomach as if in a trance, his voice husky and deep after not using it for so long. 'Why is your belly so big, beautiful'

She scoffs " no my love that is mean, haha. Look fe-" she goes to grab his metal arm that was resting on his thigh, seeing her actions he immediately froze, tensing up as she got closer ripping it away before she could grab it.

"NO" Standing up he looked into her eyes, trying to keep himself calm. He shook his head, it was that he didnt trust her, no he didn't trust himself. Killed, tortured, touched, with this arm it was too much.

'I'll just end up losing control. I'll hurt her!'

"Hey, look at me." She stands but wobbles almost losing her footing untill he caught her with his flesh hand on her belly and metal on her waist, looking at her in shock quickly trying to sit her back down on the chair.

" no- stop- JAMES wait!!" He stops hi movements, she has to make this quick, theyll be here any minute.

"Huh oh my goodnes feel" she places both his hands on her belly much to his protest. He almost forcefully pulls away if it weren't for the little bump that kicked his left palm.

Eyes wideninv, as she sits down tires from suddenly having to stand. Being 5 months along had its perks, tired, nausea and headaches. Good thing she wants awake to experience them on her own.

" did you feel that love, they are saying 'hello, who is that" she says ad bucky stares at her belly almost amazed at how there was something in there.

Letting go of her he lifts the leather strapped shirt and skims over his tummy only to see his sculpted stomach and defined v-line. Grabbing her arm and gently placing it on his tummy looking back at her to see if she had the same reaction as him.

Smiling the girl says" no mi amor, you dont have anything there, but very skinny you need to eat more love" giggling to herself as she pulls his shirt down fixing and adjusting the leather straps back into place as she finally strechets her arm under the chair to retrieve the mask not failing to see how hes soldiers face had dropped taking a step back from her but also not wanting to be away from her touch.

*signing* she says " my love look at me, I cant let you leave without this on or else they will hurt you"

All he heard was, my love, look at me and the concern behind her voice.

He didnt want to leave. He didn't want to leave the warmth of her of her room, the safety behind in her soft palms or the lavender scent that made him calm, brought him peace. Stuck in his own thoughts letting her slide the mask on as she started to stroke his hair when she finished.

"Dont worry darling, a-as soon as you get get back, you can come and sit with me all you want ok" the soldier nodded as she played with his hair almost having to stand in her tippy toes but still spending the last few minutes in eachothers arms swaying slowly listening to the wind, not hearing the footsteps that lurked outside there door.


Suddenly there was banging on the door.

Startled bucky stood up keeping his hand on her shoulder.

One by one 4 guards entered the room and were stopped, one in each corner of the room a nurse and pierce walked in, on instinct Bucky stood in front of her. Shielding her from his eyes.

" times to go soldier" pierce says almost mockingly with a smirk on his face. "Give her the medicine then back to bed for you princess."

How was it🧡
Should I make a playlist for this story??

Pls comment on what u think I can/should work on and have a great day😊

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