Chapter 17 ( terror of the dark angel/ godess of darkness )

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avu pov 

as godmother was about to tell the cave started to fall i quickly used my powers and made a shield upon us , fortunetly we all were safe , we quickly ran outside 

avu - what was that godmother , why did the cave started to fall  

godmother in shock - the cave was made a shield to protect the world from guardian of hell but i think he is finally free and it is freed by non other than the dark angel 

soon than they heard a voice from behind 

someone - so my dear sister( someone is non other than the dark angel )  has reached to godmother for help but remember she is nothing more than a brainy head , she just has knowldege not any powers , she can't protect if you have to beg for protection , beg from that spiritual spirit atleast he can do something or an option is to beg infront of me maybe i can spear your life , my curse breaker !!! ( and she laughed evily )  

avu attacked her but she doged it and flew away avu tried to chase her but sid stopped her 

avu shouting - now who is a scaredy cat ( to dark angel ) and sid why you stopped me 

sid - its not the time we must wait 

god mother - he is right my child , come we must go some where i need to tell you something 

they all teleported and godmother took them somewhere 

godmother - sotira you need to know that the book spiritual spirit gave you states everything about defeating the dark angel , and what she said is true you are her sister 

sidneet both in shocked expression - what 

godmother - yes after the dark angel was born your mother /queen gave birth to another child which was you , the spiritual spirit took your soul and gave it powers to defeat the dark angel and recarnted you 10 000 years later 

avu still in shock but trying to compose her self - how do i kill her 

godmother - you need a weapon that is powerful enough to kill the dark angel , and quick my child you need to do it before the dark angel open the door to hell and if she does that she will be indestructable 

sidneet nodded and took the map given by godmother which shows the path to the weapon 



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