Chapter 19: it's a game

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„Are you alright?", Lucius asks seemingly confused.
Joy looks down to her feet, nods, „yea, yes!"

Lucius musters her face, obviously not buying it. He opens his mouth to add something when noises of feet tramping on wooden stairs arouse, and shortly after two people stand on the edge of the stairs, looking at Joy and Lucius. It was too dark for Joy to make out their faces but it was a tall guy and the other one was slightly smaller and chubbier. 

Seemingly out of breath, the smaller guy presses out in a hurry: "Joy, quickly, Prim is hurt, in the hospital wing". Joy steps a view steps closer and sees that Peter was the one talking and next to him James, with a not so amused glance, looking at Lucius.

 "What happened?", Joy's adrenaline rushes in and her face switches from James' to Peter's and finally to Lucius', who didn't seem amused either. 

"No time to explain, she wants to see you", James now presses out, taking Joy's hand and dragging her with him to the stairs. Automatically, Joy links her fingers with his, not noticing.

"I'm coming along", Lucius said while already jogging up, looking at Joy's hand holding James. 

James holds in for a second while Joy continues going down still holding his hand. "No no don't bother, it's not like you care anyway, huh".

"Well, I do care for Joy, and if her friend's hurt", Lucius gifts back.

"No worries, I'll take it from here", James gets a step higher towards Lucius, not letting loose of Joy's hand loose (obviously provoking Lucius).

"Cut it James! Lucius, I appreciate it but I want to be alone anyways!". With that, Joy lets James' hand go, turns around and jogs down the stairs, past Peter, and hurries her way to the hospital wing, leaving the boys behind. 

Upon arrival, the hospital wing's door opens, and Prim marches out with Sirius and Lu to her sides. "Heyy what happened? Are you alright?", Joy closes Prim into a hug. 

"Oh, nothing Madame Pomfrey didn't have fixed in a second"

Joy raises her eyebrows confused: "don't get me wrong, I'm happy you're doing well, but the boys said it's serious, that I had to rush to see you!"

Now Lu giggles, "well they must have exaggerated a bit" and Prims laughs along, while Joy just stands there perplexed. 

"Well, what did happen then?"

"I, uhm-"

"She fell off her broom at practice", Sirius now cuts in.

"I didn't know you had practice today"

"Well it was just for fun, with the boys and Lu", Prim explains.

Joy nods, giving herself satisfied, while her mind is still trying to understand where their brooms and their Quidditch clothes were, if 'apparently', there were playing Quidditch and Prim apparently got injured. 

"Where are James and Peter?", Lu now asks. 

Sirius, who was holding Prim in his arm, shifts his head to Joy: "Didn't they get you?"

"Yea, I thought they'd caught up by now", Joy shrugs her shoulders, not without grinning towards Prim in reaction to Sirius holding his arm around her. Prim giggles.

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