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Yesterday is History
Tommorow is a Mystery
But today is a Gift
That's why it's called the Present

- Master Oogway
Kung Fu Panda 3


8 years ago
(She is 18 in this chapter)

I had a normal life years ago.

A loving mother, an overprotective father, a loving brother whom was my best friend and my role model, people whom held me in their loving arms and made my day full of sunshine and joy, who made me happy. We were a normal family.

Normal as we could be, actually. See the thing was, my family were Royalty.  My papa, being the King of our small Kingdom, Athedia, tucked away in Southern Europe. Many people don't know about our Kingdom and father likes it that way, knowing less harm would come our way, or so he thought.

For, for a few years ago I met a boy, named Paul.

See I wasn't aloud near any sort of 'male specimens', father's words, but Paul somehow wiggled his way into my life. We'd meet up secretly, behind the horses stable every second day, the place where we first met. I was always excited, why wouldn't I be? He was my first friend, except from my brother.

Tell me what twelve-year-old, little girl, wouldn't be happy that she finally has an other friend? But all the happiness didn't last long. Everything changed the day father found me and Paul riding on two of the guards horses.

six years ago

"Jy's so stadig, Ivory!" Paul hells at me, riding Snowflake. It's so unfair he gets Uncle Jamal's horse, she's way faster then Miranda. I don't waste my time and kick Miranda on the side, that's what Uncle James does and then she runs faster, all the time.

The wind blows leaves and other stuff in my face as I shoosh past Paul. He hells after me as I ride through the field of green grass, it actually is kinda nice riding like this. Wind in my hair, flies in my eyes and all sort of some creatures in my mout-

"ROSALINDA!" Oh shoot I know that voice.

"Wie is HIERDIE, jong dame!", honestly father has a scary voice when his mad, like sometimes he gets so angry that he'll be polite, I don't know how that work-

I pull Miranda to an holt and look back, and right infront of Snowflake stands Father, holding Paul by the ear. That's really funny actually.

I burst into laughter, Paul's face is red like a tomato, he looks so weird, "Bhahahaha-"

"Hou op lag, jong dame, and get over here!"

Since that day I was ban from seeing Paul. I was heartbroken for a few months that I completely ignored my father, that was until he got so fed up with my 'childish moods', and told me I could play with my friend, only around the people and not run off with 'some stranger-kid'.

Our friendship blossomed, that I came to realise I had a crush on him.

It was all such a fantasy.

Until it wasn't.

Until the day Paul's father came into the story.

Until I saw his real evil.

The evil both he and he's father had in their hearts. It all shook me to the core, literally. For, two years after that same day we rode on those horses, my life changed, they  happened and our hole Kingdom came crashing down, Father got badly hurt, Momma almost died, and I lost both my friends.

But worst of all?

I lost my soul that night, being tortured and badly abused made me into the person I am now, the young girl who ran away, pregnant.


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You're so slow

Who is THIS, young lady!

Stop laughing, you lady


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2021 ⏰

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