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"What's your favourite sweet?"

"What?" Marinette looked up from where she was pinning Adrien's trouser cuffs. She had three days to get this outfit sorted for their summer photoshoot and she was very behind.

"Your favourite sweet? Not like a sweet dessert, just sweet in general. Liquorice, jazzies, twizzlers, Haribo? "

Adrien was standing in just his trousers, on a plinth and eating a child size packet of Haribo. Of course, being a model even this was pushing limits and she was quite sure if his father walked in at this moment the sweets would be taken off him and thrown out the window.

"Um," she stood up from her crouched position and looked at him, not realising her face was level with his finely sculpted abs. "Haribo cola bottles are good, or the fried eggs. The teddies are a bit of a let down though."

"Yeah," Adrien agreed, "the one flavour doesn't do it much good."

Marinette giggled and poked him in the stomach.

"You should put those down if you want to keep these."

"I'll have you know, my workout regime is flawless and this teeny tiny packet of Haribo won't cause me any problems." Adrien continued taking the sweets out and placing them in his mouth.

"You can be such a child sometimes," she placed her hands on her hips and smiled at him.

After the final attempt at 'Operation Secret Garden' it was as though there was a change in their relationship, but only for the better. They spent a lot of time together now, in and out of work. Now she'd moved on, Marinette could proudly say Adrien was one of her best friends. The stammering had gone, as had the constant need to be near him. It probably helped that he still didn't have a girlfriend. She knew that it would sting a little when it was announced, it was only natural. However, she had her own relationship now with Chat Noir and even though it was a secret, she loved him. She loved her partner so much, she could finally say she'd moved on and she was happy.

"Here, open up." Marinette was now adjusting around his waistline only to be attacked by a cola bottle being shoved in her mouth.

"Adrien? What the hell is on your hands?"

"Hand sanitizer, sorry. I perhaps shouldn't have shoved my whole finger in your mouth." He laughed at the disgusted expression on Marinette's face.

"At least I know you're clean." She giggled, "thank you for sharing your contraband by the way. I know cola bottles are one of your favourites too."

"You're welcome." He smiled as she looked down and continued with the adjustments.

Adrien continued to eat the sweets one at a time leaving his favourite favourite until right at the end. He pulled out a red and green ring, and as he went to put it in his mouth he stopped. That was it ... he had the most brilliant idea.

My Kitty: Good evening beautiful. I hope you are ready for this evening's patrol. Would it be ok for one final stop at the top of the Eiffel Tower? There's something I've found that I think you'll like.

My Lady: Exciting! What is it?

My Kitty: Nope, not telling. It would ruin the surprise.

My Lady: Just a clue please *cute face with kitten eyes*

My Kitty: You're a ladybug, not a cat!

My Lady: I still have a cute face though :P

My Kitty: That you do. One clue then. Tonight you're going to get frosted.

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