The First Bit

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Placeholder: Good job getting through the first day of school new player!

Bf: Uh why do i feel like a kindergartener-

Placeholder: What else could be better than going home and relaxing!

Bf: Oh wait. Do i even have a home?!

Placeholder: Of course you do!

From walking outside of the school, the scene changed into infront of his supposedly house ingame.

Placeholder: Home sweet home! It even functions like a real house!

They gave the key to him. Bf looked at the house skeptical about it.

Bf: How convinient, its even creepier that it looks just like my house.. in the real world.

Placeholder: Haha haha

Bf: haha..

Placeholder: Don't forget to do your homework if you have one! Ill be one click away if you need help!

And the sprite disappeared. Bf unlocked the door and set his bag down on the table. The house was the exact copy of his house in the real world.

Bf: How is this even possible?

Not like he could complain atleast the warm feeling of being home could make him forget that he's in a game for a bit.

Bf: Shit! 

He almost forgot he was gonna meet senpai at the cafe. He quickly changed his clothes and ran outside.

Bf: Where even is this cafe he's talking about?!

He saw an npc and decided to ask her.

Bf: Uh hey miss, do you know where i can find this cafe near here?

Lady: Oh, do you mean the famous cafe downtown?

Bf: Probably

Lady: Just turn left and you'll see signs leading to it.

Bf: Thank you!

She watched as he hurried to his destination. Atlast, he found it. He saw Sen sitting at one of the tables on the corner.

(sorry for the crappy drawing, it doesn't really contribute to the story in anyway)

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(sorry for the crappy drawing, it doesn't really contribute to the story in anyway)

Bf: I hope im not late.

Senpai: Eat it before it melts, and no its not poisoned.

Bf: Phew. So, what agreement is this exactly?

Sen exhaled deeply and looked around.

Senpai: Im helping you get out, but only if you help me with something else.

Bf: What something else? And how do i know this isn't a trick, you did try stealing our bodies or some shit last time.

Senpai: I didn't. Spirit did.

Bf: Spirit?

Senpai: You see, im just an ai in this game, a piece of lifeless code. Spirit on the other hand, he was one of the victims by the infamous ex-rockstar.

Bf: That's wierd, so you're just unironically self aware?

Senpai: Maybe, i don't really remember anything. But that's not the point, before you and you're girlfriend came here and disturb us-

Bf: ex girlfriend.

Senpai: Before all of that, spirit was trapped inside of me, my body holds againts his grudge forbidding him to do whatever he wants.

Bf: but he broke out..

Senpai: and he wanders in the game. Freely. Doing whatever he pleases.

Bf: Is that really a bad thing?

Senpai: First of all, he could break the game's code, and you being here just makes it worse, he can steal you're physical body when he gets the chance to.

Bf: Fuck. So what am i gonna do?

Senpai: When you get out of here, find him.

Bf: Who?

Senpai: The demon that looks like he has a lemon for a head.

Bf: Oh, monster. Why him?

Senpai: Both of them are shapeshifters, he might have information about the dearest's clone experiments.

Bf: and maybe he knows how to get rid of spirit!

Senpai: Exactly. So is it a deal?

Bf: Deal. So does this mean we're friends?

Senpai: No.

Bf: Aww man.

Senpai: More like acquaintances.

Bf: Sounds cool.

Senpai: So that's everything, ill be seeing you tommorow at school.

Bf: Noted.

Sen stood up and walked away, bf looked at the stamina bar.

Bf: Yes!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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