• 1•New Beginnings •

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After almost a yer of busy schedules and concerts, Eurovision finally came, and with her many memories.
Since i won Eurovision last year it's my duty to prepare Eurovision this year with the executive director!

After Elle got me my schedule for the month, we were now heading to the main office of this huge building.
I got there and a lot of staff which i knew from last year were here.

I greeted everyone and proceeded to sit on my chair, and maybe after tons of negotiations we decided to have this year's Eurovision at the Grand Paris Arena.

After that we had to decide the hosts.
One of the hosts was me and the last years hosts while we still needed one more host instead of Nikki Tutorials

,, how about we get a contest from last year??" the staff member said.
,, that's actually not a bad idea!" i replied.
,, we could post a poll on the official Eurovision instagram to see who would they like, we revealed the three hosts already, so i think someone else would be good" the executive director said as he went through some papers.

The staff member gave me the password for the Eurovision account where u posted a poll and i had to keep track of the votes with another staff member.

The meeting soon ended and i had to go back to Italy as soon as possible for my final exams.

One flight later i got there and had to quickly go to my apartment to change some clothes.

After that i met up with my friend Sarah to hand in the final exams, and after their check up we will finally be able to finish the second year of university.

We handed them in, and decided to go for a couple of drinks in a bar. We ordered some tequila shots as a familiar music played in the background.

,, Is this song familiar to you?" Sarah asked.
,, what song" i asked.
,, the one thats playing right now, i swear i heard it somewhere before" she said again trying ti remember the song.

I listened to the lyrics a bit and it all became clear.
,, oh.. it's Begging by Måneskin" i said drowning down the tequila shot.
,, wasn't that the band that competed with you last year??" she asked shocked while i replied with a single ,,yup".

,, if i remember clearly, didn't you two date for like a week?? oh and also kissed on national television" she asked trying to tease me.
,, oh please don't remind me!" i said chuckling.

They have gone big not only in Italy but in the whole world. Everywhere i went their song was playing and it was pretty annoying at the beginning but now it's okay.

I was gonna stay in Italy for about a day and go back to France the next morning for the preparations.

I quickly checked how's the poll doing..
There were many suggestions on Benny which made me happy, some for Jendrik which i loved too, but thr most suggestions were on Damiano.. the only person i didn't want.

Suddenly my phone rang and it was the executive director.
,, hello, i'm just checking in to see who's our last host because the preparations are tomorrow which means we have to fly them out tomorrow morning."
,, hello, yes, there were many votes, so we need ti calculate who got the most votes with the other staff member" i said nervously.
,, okay, but you gotta send me the results this evening" he said while hanging up.

oh my god what am i gonna do?? i thought.
I called the other staff member,
,, hello, it's Amaya for the poll results! You calculated them did you??" i asked.
,, Yup, i did and most of the votes are Damiano from Måneskin and the most votes got Jendrik." he said as i almost fainted.
,,hello.. Amaya.. are you there"
,, oh- yea, send the votes to the executive director please" i said as i hung up.

I'm screwed i thought.. if they pick Damiano he would be there next morning, and just the thought of it drove me crazy.

I'm not going back tomorrow so i guess that's some luck.. I had to go back to my apartment to rest a bot and really think about things.

•tomorrow morning•

I woke up as sun was shining on my face..
I got up and got my morning hygiene done.
My phone rang, i quickly picked it up and saw that Elle was calling me.

,, heyoo, Amaya, i got some news.."
,, yup what's up" i said tiredly.
,, so you know the last host that was announced this morning on the Eurovision instagram, so i would like for you to see it" she said nervously.
,, i swear to god" i said as i hung up and quickl went to the Eurovision instagram.

With big letters there was written

I was shocked. There was a message from Elle that said that he would be in France in about an hour and a half.
Okay, Amaya don't panic, you still have time to think this through.

I got dressed as i called for Sarah to say my goodbyes as i had to immediately go to France because of the situation.

a couple of hours later•

I finally landed in France and was a nervous wreck.
I knew that tomorrow i had to see his face and it didn't feel very good.

I went to my apartment in France and waited for my schedule from Elle to see the next step.

When i got it i wished i didn't.. the whole day was spent in the grand arena. Also i had a performance as a new inspiring artist.
Inspiring my ass i thought.

I logged in on my fake account and went to see Damianos story, and it was him in front of the Eiffel Tower.

He looks handsome as ever but things didn't work out. We both went our separate ways, and i hope he is happy with Georgia if they are still together of course.

I went to my balcony and i sat down drinking wine and in the other hand there was a cigarette.
Even though Elle told me to stop smoking because of my voice, but this was an emergency.

I sat looking around the city, I loved that i lived near the tower because of the lights that lit up at night.
I stood up and leaned on the railing.

Someone whistled and i thought it was just some other dude cat calling some girl but when i heard.

,, si puó diventare più belli in così poco tempo?"
( can you get more beautiful in such a short time)

I froze as i heard Italian language in France.
I quickly looked down and everything was clear.

Eurovision Love 2 | Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now