i'm bad at naming things

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Catsaresoooooawesome asks
Goldie can you say sissy spring?

Goldie: sissy spwing

Springbonnie: AWWWW

Glitch: he's not that cute


Hey Freddy whats the most you've yelled at goldie if you had to

Freddy: when he trusted Shadow freddy

Freddy what is your favourite memory of goldie and you and spring

Freddy: for goldie at first I didn't really get to go near him because cassie essentially adopted him and she doesn't like me that much for..reasons but I guess our first Christmas? And for spring when she first came to the diner

Bonnie: freddy it's showtime

Back with spring

Spring what do you think of goldie right now?

Springbonnie: he's so cute and sweet

Springbonnie I dare you to kiss goldie's tummy

Spring: okay  *she lightly kissed his stomach*

Goldie: *he giggles*

Glitchtrap: how can you stand that spawn of satan

Springbonnie: aww glitchy are you scared of lil baby?

Glitch: what! NO I-

Springbonnie: your such a baby Glitch

*Goldie yawns*

Springbonnie: aww looks like its time for bed sweetie

Goldie: nwo!

Glitch: yes, you too spring

Spring and goldie quickly fell asleep

Hey glitchy I have a question what did you mean by Shadow manipulating you?

Glitchy: I don't like talking about it but let's just say he made me do something that cost me my life.

*He looked at the ground*

Yall probably have better luck with Shadow, also not that I mind but I'm getting asks from the same people so can yall give me some asks plez:3

Yall probably have better luck with Shadow, also not that I mind but I'm getting asks from the same people so can yall give me some asks plez:3

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Glitch and spring being siblings lol

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