Chapter 15 [PUNISHMENT]

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I opened my eyes and winced since it was too bright. Let's try that again. I said to myself. I slowly and cautiously opened my eyes. I was in a white room. I looked around and saw a monitor and an IV. Am I in a hospital? What happened?

"Miss Danford, we are glad to have you back, my name is Dr Duncan, I have been your doctor since you came into the hospital" said a man.

I sat up and nodded. "What happened? Why am I here?" I asked.

"Well you fainted in the cell and you were brought here." He said.

"How Long have I been here?" I asked.

"Two days" he said.

"I have some news for you Miss Danford, you are 5 weeks pregnant" he said.

"W-what"? I stuttered. "You are five weeks pregnant Miss" I immediately zoned out. Me, pregnant? Why? When did it even happen? Maybe he's got the wrong patient. But I... Xavier.
My eyes widened in disbelief. The times he raped when he came home drunk. He'd rape me and beat me up.

But I can't, I can't have his child. He's a monster, an animal. I can't have a part of him growing inside me. I don't want to. I don't want to. It's not fair at all. He doesn't deserve to have a child out of my womb. He forced himself in me. I can't give him that. He doesn't deserve to get that from me. I was crying and hiccupping. He falsely accused me and took my freedom from me. This child doesn't deserve to come from a monster like him. I turned and faced away from the doctor and the nurse.

I am innocent of all this. Why isn't the world fair. All I ever did was to love him and look where it got me. In a hospital bed and in police custody. He walks out there free yet he's done awful things. Or is this punishment, for disobeying my parents? Going behind their back to get married?, for not staying away from him when they asked me to? I don't deserve this at all.


After Xavier left for work, I took a quick shower. I had a lot of things I needed to do. But first, let me find an outfit for today. I took a peach pink knee length spaghetti strapped dress that had a slit on my left leg that went all the way up to my mid thing. I paired it with rose gold Jimmy Choo stiletto heels and a rose gold sling bag.

I wasn't in the mood to prepare breakfast so I went to The Grand World Wide Breakfast hotel. It was a seven star hotel that offered all types of breakfast, be it English or American or even African. You name it, they have it. I ordered a full English breakfast. When I was done, I paid and left.

First thing was to meet up with the attorney general. He owes me a favor and now is the time he returns the favor. When I got to his office, we discussed about the wedding and something else that I wanted him to do for me. You'll find out soon enough. The old man is very greedy. I gave him a quickie but he still demanded for money, what an asshole.

I got out of his office and went to sort out my wedding gown. I stopped by at Teresa's Bridal. She had the best wedding gowns ever. When I got there, I saw exactly what I wanted to wear. It was hella expensive. I wanted it because I knew that we'll be posting pictures online after the wedding. When I tried the dress on, it fitted me like it was actually made for me. She also had bridal shoes. I tried on a couple but I didn't find thee shoes until she brought out some pure white stilettos and it was love at first sight. I paid for the dress and shoes and I left. By now it was 10:15am so I still have time to visit my mom and tell her the good news. Her daughter is finally getting married.

I drove off to the outskirts of the city. I had bought her a house there and I also paid a nurse to help her out. I arrived at the location. The place was really silent, peaceful and serene. I walked into the house. Well my mother actually is stuck in a wheelchair. She had a little accident that damaged her spinal cord and it affected her speech. So she can't speak but she can hear quit well.
I walked up to where she was. She loved staring out the large windows. There is a flowing river here and the view is splendid. I then started tell her all about it, everything that has happened to me. She just looked at me with disbelief . But I was the one who saw Xavier first.


I had just arrived at school. I settled in my hostel room. I was waiting for my roommate. When I was going out to eat, I saw a black Range Rover parked at the school's parking lot. Then down came the richest people in the country. Mr and Mrs Danford. I recognized them immediately because I had seen them in a lot of interviews. Then the back door of the Range Rover opened and down came the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She had long jet black hair and it had curls. I could tell they were natural. She looked happy and sad at the same time. Her parents looked so proud of her. They helped her remove things from the car. Then I had a tap on my shoulders. I turned around and saw a guy. He was tall and he was wearing a simple black shirt and a pair of blue ripped jeans. He looked so good.

"Hey, can you please direct me to the registration office?" He asked with a deep voice. I smiled at him and told him that I'll take him there. He introduced himself as Xavier Smith. I took him to the registration office and I went to my room. When I entered, I was shocked to see Mr and Mrs Danford in my room. So their famous daughter is my roommate. What a pleasant surprise.

"Honey are you sure you don't want to rent an apartment nearby" her mother asked her. "No mom, can you please let me enjoy college like a normal person? It's okay I can look out for myself, I'm a big girl now." She said as she unpacked her things. "It's either you help me settle in here or you both leave and allow me to do it" she said and her mother sighed. Spoiled brat I thought to myself. She's been raised in wealth and she can even talk back to her mother. If only she was raised by my mom. "Hey, I didn't introduce myself, my name is Crystal Danford" she stretched her hand out and I took it. I shook her hand and smiled. "Nice to meet you Crystal, I am Veronica Lynn. Welcome to our room." Her parents looked at me with grins. "Nice to meet you Veronica, please take care of our daughter." Mr Danford said. "Don't worry about her, she's in safe hands" I answered and then Crystal walked them out. I heard her mother saying, 'there's something about that girl that I don't like' then Crystal said 'you don't like anyone mom' then I heard them laughing.
Long story short, Crystal and I became best of friends. Then one night, at one of the opening parties, Xavier approached her but she completely ignored him. I tried to make advances at him but he acted like I never even existed. But one day,she finally acknowledged him. They started small talk and they become friends. So one night I spotted Xavier going into his room. I had seen his roommate earlier going out with his friends so I knew he was alone. I knocked on his door. After a few minutes, he opened the door and the first thing he said was, 'Do I know you? I was disappointed that he couldn't recognize me. At that moment, I felt like I was Crystal's shadow. 'you asked me to take you to the registration office on your first day' I told him. 'oh yeah, Veronica right?' he asked and I nodded ' forgive me for not recognizing you earlier, I have a bad thing with faces' he said as he scratched the back of his neck. 'its okay, Don't worry about it' I assured him . ' so what brought you here?' he asked. ' I was wondering if we could get to know each other' I said and he looked at me like that's the last thing he was expecting to hear. ' maybe some other day Veronica, I have to finish up my assignment ' I nodded even though I knew that he was lying. He closed the door and I left. I went into my room and slept. I didn't speak to anyone.

*End of flashback*

I looked at my watch and saw that it was 12:30 pm. I had to get ready for the wedding. I kissed my mother's forehead and Left.

Thanks for reading this chapter ❤️❤️

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