Chapter Two

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**This is an excerpt of the book TRUTHS AND CHAINS. The first six chapters will be uploaded to Wattpad. You can read the whole book as it's updated for free on my website,**

 A vibrating cell phone clattered against... something. Vito Minetti cracked open an eye, waiting. When it kept going, he groaned. How the hell was it fair that out of the three people in bed, he had been the only one able to hear the damn phone?

He pulled his arm out from under the dark-haired gal on his left and untangled his legs from the redheaded guy on his right. He crawled over the ginger and, with a grunt, hit the floor a little harder than intended.

Okay. So maybe he'd had a bit too much to drink last night.

Vito crawled around the corner of the bed and found his phone on the floor, the vibration of the call rattling against the belt buckle dangling from last night's discarded jeans. He squinted at the bright blue light, barely reading his brother's name on the screen. He sat up on his knees before accepting the call and pressing the device to his ear. "Yeah?" he asked in a whisper.

"Sounds like I woke you," Tito Minetti said.


The bastard chuckled. "Sorry about that. Where are you, Vi?"

"Umm... depends. Why?"

"Because I've got coffee for you, it's past noon, and we agreed to meet behind Starbucks an hour ago."

Vito sat back on his heels and scratched the top of his head. "Did I?"

"You did. But you can keep dicking around if you changed your mind. I'm not buying you another coffee, though. Next round's one hundred percent on you, man."

"No, no, I totally—Look, give me a sec to get dressed. Don't throw my coffee away, dude."

Tito snorted. "I won't. Where are you? I'll just swing by and pick you up, coffee safe and sound."

"Just, uh... I'll just meet you at Starbucks like we planned, okay?"

"We don't have to play this game, Vi. I wouldn't still be buying you coffees in the morning if I gave a shit about you screwing around all the time. We don't gotta play hotel bingo, and there's absolutely no reason for you to be strutting around in the cold and the snow. Just tell me where you are, and I'll be there in a jiff."

Vito cared a little more about his brother finding out who he had come to the hotel than he cared about how often he and his endeavors ended up at one. But it was unlikely that either of last night's pals would venture downstairs anytime soon. He and Tito would be long gone before then. Vito cleared his throat, pinning his phone between his shoulder and ear as he rose to his feet, jeans in hand. "I, uh, I'm at Royal Nature."

"All right. Meetcha in the parking lot, Vi."

"Thanks, man."

"No problem, brother. See you soon."

Vito ended the call and shoved his phone into his pocket. He pulled his jeans on and buckled his belt, a little too hungover and a little too uncaring to zip his fly or button his pants. Once he found his shirt and pulled it over his head, he turned to look at the two people he'd brought back to the hotel last night.

What the hell were their names? He was a solid fifty-percent sure the guy's name started with an A. Or... maybe it had an A in it? It might've started with a C. Yeah, C. Fifty-percent on C. If nothing else, that far exceeded his certainty that the woman's name began with one.

Honestly, it was a toss-up, but he knew the redhead a hell of a lot better than the brunette, and he'd be far less offended at a wrong guess than the woman might be.

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