A boar? Chapter 10

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I was bored as hell, ban and Meliodas where quite for a seconds suddenly turning around attacking a boar, it was quick 

I got up walking to them, it had pointed a tusk at Meliodas 

"Stay where you are" it said 

"Who are you?" Meliodas asked 

"I, ask the questions, tell me who you are strange ones, you mentioned going back to somewhere you also said a lot of other things that I couldn't just over look, I also can't over look how you tamed a Rabid dragon soul, it seems ridiculous but is it possible your travelers from a different world?" It asked 

"Well I guess you could call us that" Meliodas replied 

"I knew it!" 

"Now answer me ! Are you one of the demon kings underlings?" Ban asked 

"The demon king?" The boar asked "oh that giant in the sky huh? I do know where he is though" 

Ban and Meliodas tensed "wait you really know where he is?" Meliodas asked in is belief

I sighed shaking my head 

"Yes and I'll even show you the way if you wish, However! In return I ask for your cooperation"

Meliodas put his sword in its Seath while ban walked forwards meliodas turned I stood behind them 

"You never told us who you where" Meliodas said 

The boar stepped out the shadows, he really wasn't as scary as I would have thought for his voice "I AM THE GREAT WARIOR WILD! I have been wandering here in search of my younger brother separated at birth" 

Ban and Meliodas yelled something at the same time 

"No its wild" Wild seemed to dedpan 

"When you mentioned your little brother separated at birth your talking about hawk right?" Meliodas asked 

"Who's hawk?" Wild asked "ah. Either way my little brothers name is Mild, but it was also true that we where separated as soon as he was born, so I wouldn't be too surprised if he didn't remember his name" something seemed to dawn in wild "HOLD ON A SECOND! ARE YOU TELLING ME YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO LOOKS LIKE MY HANSOME SELF!?" 

"Oh he way more than looks like you anyone with eyes could see it" ban was holding back laughs "seriously you guys are practically clones" 

"What he means is that we know someone who looks like you, but pink and smaller" I said 

Wild looked at me "oh?" Then while saturated crying 

He was loud I rapped my tail around my ears 

Suddenly he stopped "it's about time for a scorching sand storm, my guess from the other world! I invite you to visit my home!" Wild said offering us a more secure place to stay I guess, "so please! Come with me!"

Time skip

I had fell asleep in Wilds home while the sand storm was going on, It was extreamly well calved out, and one of the corners was the exact size for me to sleep in

They had beeb talking for a bit, I groaned 

"Y/N, it's too soon for this"


"FARTHER!  Please! Can I go to the barrier! What if I take Meliodas! or or! Estarossa with me! "

"No Y/N, and that's final! Maybe when your older" 

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