Mason - Prologue

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If I was going the right way, Frauchester High should be! Holy SHIT THAT'S BIG- this isn't even a big town why the hell is a high school so huge? Anyways, looks like I somehow made it on time.

I always thought high school hallways being stupidly crowded was only a thing in movies but holy crap I can barely breathe in here...I guess let's take a look at the people I'm going to have to tolerate.

There is some shy kid wearing all pink next to a really rowdy taller one. The tall girl seems loud, ill try to avoid her, they don't look like they're in my grade anyways.

There are these two girls strutting down the hall like they own the place. They scream the stereotypical queen bees so they probably actually do.

A group of like 6 people rushed past me just now, they seem annoying. A bunch of people who looked my age were gawking at them too, they seem pretty popular. Eh, they're probably dicks. There was this one kid in the group who caught my eye though, he seems sorta uncomfy. Well, not my business.

How does anyone find anything around here? The bell rung like 4 minutes ago, I'm gonna be late because this school is too goddamn complicated. Class 1A...Class 1B...and Class 1C! Finally! As I walk in I feel like everyone's eyes are on me. Do I look weird or something..? Being late is a horrible first impression, isn't it? Oh god, they hate me already-"Sir!" My ramblings were cut off by the voice of a middle-aged woman. Oh yeah, I'm in front of the class...fuck I probably look stupid." H-huh?" I stuttered, great. "Kindly Introduce yourself to the class mister." softly said the lady I'm assuming to be my teacher. "U-um my name is Mason...M-Mason Richardson" Shit you're messing this up! "A Pleasure to meet you, Mr Richardson! My name is Ms Jenkins, and ill be your math teacher! Now then you can go sit next to Hannah Hopkins, right over there." I feel people staring me down as I walk to my desk, geez what's their problem...


Finally, it's lunch, Math is somehow more boring in Ms Jenkins' class. I also kept feeling eyes on it's probably all in my head. I hurriedly packed my stuff in my locker and followed the crowd to the cafeteria.

Ah yes, the cafeteria. I think this is the noisiest place I've ever fucking been. Im not even going to bother trying to find a place to sit, everyone is already in their little cliques and the atmosphere is just suffocating me. Everything is just way too overwhelming.

I walked around for a bit and I found a really quiet spot underneath this tall tree. it's really peaceful here, Way more peaceful than whatever that madhouse was. Thank god I packed myself and a sandwich before I left home, I've read and heard of too many horror stories of what cafeteria food is like...wait. Is someone running towards me? Yup, someone is definitely coming my way, but why?

"Hey, lemon boy! This seat taken?"

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