Chapter 8: Better Half

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Men are the weak ones, luv

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Men are the weak ones, luv. Didn't you know? Oh, you make a lot of noise, but its the women who are strong. Where it counts. In 'ere, — Jennifer Donnelly


   The next day, Lucy woke up to knocking on her door, she sleeply got out of bed, stretching before walking towards the door. She open the door, only to finally wake up to screams of her nieces and nephews. 

"Auntie Luci." They yelled as they hug her so tight making her hug them back.

"Hey, Auntie babies. How are you?" Lucy said while hugging them back.

"Gooddd." The kids said singing like a choir. The kids back up from the hug, letting her look at how big they gotten since she last saw them.

"Where's your mother?" Lucy said to them as she touch their faces.

"She's getting the bags." Tommy,her first born said looking at her. Lucy gave him and Jaquan a look of disapproval.

"Now Tommy and Jaquan, Who's the men of the house?" Lucy said as she look at them.

"We are." They said as they walk to help their mother. Lucy knew they knew better. She help Amara raise them after all since they was young.

Amara, Their mother and Lucy's Sister, walk in, Lucy walk towards her as Amara with the help of Tommy and Jaquan drop the bags on the ground.

"Baby Sis!" Amara said pulling Lucy in a well-needed tight hug. The hug lasted for a good 45 seconds before she pulled away from her.

"Hey Mara, How are you?" Lucy said as they look at each other.

"I'm good. Just been working." Amara said as she watch Lucy tell the boys where to take the bags.

"That's good, Ready for me to show you Charming." Lucy said smiling.

"Hell yeah!" Amara said as they started laughing at her shouting.

"Well, I'm going to go get ready while you and the kids freshen up." Lucy said heading to the bathroom to get ready. Amara and her kids freshen up and waited up front. 

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