Chapter Fourteen

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A loud siren blares through the house's intercom startling me awake, I glance at the clock seeing it read 1am "Babe what is that?"

He leaps out of bed, throwing on some clothes "It's the alarm, the rogues are here."

As I stand up to throw on some clothes, Luca gently grips my arm. "Please stay here, we can take care of some measly rogues."

"Luca." I start to protest.

He looks at me with pleading eyes "Please Red."

He turns to leave when I nod, and as he reaches the hallway I call out to him. He turns around and I cup his face firmly, bringing him into a kiss.

"Stay safe."

He grins "Always."

I meet Miah in the living room and even though we exchange no words, we share the same silent thoughts and worries. The house seems especially empty as our steps echo from our pacing back and forth.

It didn't make sense to me, the rogues had failed before, and there isn't many of them left, they will fail again. This little attack would end in their bloody sacrifice, it's a suicide mission.

Then realization hits me.

"It's a diversion." Miah says, coming to the same conclusion I have.

" But a distraction for what?" I ponder.

There's a loud clang of metal against metal in the direction of the front door.
"Is this house guarded?" I question aloud.

She looks at me, "It has a metal lock on the door."

We share a look of exasperation, then make a dead sprint for upstairs. We reach the far end of the second floor, and I grab the string to pull down the attic stairs.

We quickly climb up the stairs, and pull up the door making sure to fully bring the string up so they can't get into the attic.

We quietly made our way to the other side of the attic at the sound of the door breaking open. I wince at every heavy step I hear, the noises slowly getting closer.

"Come out, come out wherever you are." A deep voice calls out.

"Come on little Raelyn, don't you want to say hi to your favorite aunt and uncle."
I groan internally at realizing it's Dean and Charlie's parents. My uncle, Liam, was always weird to me, always saying strange things. Now knowing what I know now I realize they were about hunting. His wife, Miranda, was a part of a family that are also hunters based on they fact they were always going to jobs and meetings together.

What I can't understand is how they know where we are. Not many of the pack members knew where the alphas house was, only Luca's family, his beta, gamma, and his two best warriors, all people who seem trustworthy.

"Come on Raelyn, let's have a girl talk." Miranda's voice carries.

"We promise not to hurt your precious Luca." My uncle's voice ever so lightly laced with mirth.

I look at Miah sharing a look of disbelief. I mean I may be young but they're hunters, my mate is a werewolf, a five year old could connect those dots.

The foot steps crash and clomp closer under they seem right under us.

"Well, isn't that peculiar." My uncle's voice travels through the attic door."Now who would want to keep us out of the attic?".

I hear the cord zip back down and I internally curse my families mutant genetics that result in taller-than-normal men.

"Oh look, it's little Miah." Miranda coles as she appears at the stairs.

"Come on you two, come with us." My uncle drawls out.

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