Scarred forever.

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I grabbed a bowl out of the cupboard, and set it down on the counter. Then poured my favorite cereal, Lucky Charms, into the bowl. Lastly, I dumped the milk in, making the cereal float.

I grabbed my bowl and sat down in the living room. Where was my mom? I had no clue. She should've been home by now.

"Hey dad!" I yelled, with a mouthful of cereal.

"Yes, dear?" His deep voice boomed down the stairs, filling the living room.

"Where's ma'?"

"She'll be home soon!" I could tell he was annoyed. He worked at home, on the computer 24/7.

I learned to deal with it. He barely ever looked at me or even talked to me since my sister died two years ago. He acts as if it's my fault.

I think he's been so 'busy' just too avoid me; the disappointment daughter. Sara was his pride and joy, and now she's gone.

So, here's what happened. She was taking me to the store for some late night snacks. It was her last night at home before she went off to college. It was raining really hard, and she couldn't see out of her windshield. She also didn't see the car who swerved into her lane. The driver was drunk. She turned at the last minute, having him ram into the side of her car.

But, that's not how she died. That's only the beginning.

After the ambulance was taking us both to the hospital, she started to have a seizure. The paramedics hooked her up to this big machine, and she calmed down. I was only 14 at the time and I got really scared when I saw the seizure.

Anyways, we both made it to the hospital alive, but only one of us left it alive. She was steady for about an hour or so. Then, her heart gave out. She always had heart problems, and I forgot to tell them.

I was too dazed, and confused to even remember my own name. But if I had told them about her heart.. I- I could have saved her life. I've blamed myself every day since she died, and I think my dad does, too. I was the one who requested to go to the store in the first place. I should've died, not her.

She got a full-scholarship to Penn State. I'll never even come close to getting that. She was the smart one, the athletic one, the pretty one, just the better sister overall. She should've lived.

I heard the front door open, and shut. I listened as I heard the click, click, click of my mom's high heels walking down the hall.

"Hi, mom."

"Hey sweetie. Where's your father?" She looked much younger than she actually was. She was 41, but looked about 32. She was beautiful, just like my sister.

"Where do you think? With that damn computer." I looked down at my cereal, avoiding her eyes.

"Honey.. You know he's just busy. It's nothing personal."

"That's what you always say mom. 'It's nothing personal'. Of course it's personal! Ever since Sara died, he's hated me!"


I set my bowl down and ran upstairs, a single tear rolling down my face. I shut my door behind me, sighing heavily.

I let my own sister die, and that has scarred me forever.

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