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I tied my jet black hair into two long plait down my back. I looked at my reflection in the mirror before me. My gloomy grey eyes stared back at me.

"I guess this will do," I sighed, tugging at the end of my hair.

"It's time to go!" Someone yelled banging on my door.

"Shut up brat, I know!" I yelled back.

I quickly straightened the sheets on my bed and walked out of my room. I smiled and then shut the door with a thud.

I was sent with Mikasa and a few other cadets that I couldn't care less about their names, to protect Eren as he sealed the hole that brought so much dispear on the people two years ago.

Eren successfully sealed the hole but it seemed much to easy. There were no titans in sight anywhere. This held my suspicions but I ignored it for the time being. We regrouped with everyone on the top of the wall.

"This was much to easy," people mumbled between eachother.

I sighed and took a deep breath but choked. The smell was revolting, almost as if it was to block me from smelling anything else.

"I knew that this was well to easy," I barked.

"Hey Y/N are you okay?" Sasha asks running up to me along side Conny and Jean.

"Warn everyone that we aren't alone," I commanded.

"What do you mean-?" Conny asked but was inturupted by me.

"Just do as I ask with no questions, " I yelled rushing towards the edge of the wall then jumped.

"Y/N!" I heard people yelling behind me.

"Hurry up you brats!" I screamed back then bit into my hand hard.

My f/c wings burst out of my back just in time. I flew around the inside of wall Maria looking for any clues on the whereabouts of the person or people who were trying to stop me from locating them with the horrible scent. A sudden flash caught my attention and I realised it was in the direction of where I had left everyone. At full speed a flew to them but was stopped when a flash appeared infront of me and I was grabbed by a huge hand.

"RELEASE ME RIGHT NOW REINER!" I screamed trying to break free from his grasp.

The more I struggled the tighter his hold got. I was still wearing my ODM gear and it was breaking from the lack of space.

The gear broke altogether and a piece of my blade shot into my side causing me to let out an ear piercing scream. Another flash happened infront of the armoured titan and an angry Eren in titan form punched Reiner in the face. This caused him to loosen his grip on me and I took it as my chance to escape. I pulled myself from his hand and flew away to a still standing ruin.

I picked up a piece of old material I saw lying on the ground and shoved it into my mouth. I sat down and held the piece of the blade that was still inserted into my side. Taking a hard deep breath, I wedged it out, my screams of agony muffled by the clothing in my mouth. I grabbed another piece of material and held it against the open wound.

After waiting a few minutes I was surprised that the bleeding hadn't stopped yet. I lifted the cloth and gazed at my wound. I was shocked that I wasn't regenerating. I knew that it was going to happen soon but not this soon. Grabbing some more cloths I wrapped the wound tightly and took off to help the cadets in need.

The colosal titan was located where all the cadets where once standing. On one of the roof tops I saw Armin all burnt up with my team all crying around him.

"I'm sorry for all the trouble I have caused you," I whispered then flew at the colosal titan at maximum speed.

No one's pov

There was a sudden flash and a new titan appeared. It was 20 metres tall and had h/l  f/c hair. It screamed at the colosal titan and then charged at it. It kicked both of the other titans legs which made the it fall onto the ground. The new titan then ripped of both of the colosal  titans arms to stop him from fighting back. All of a sudden the grey haired titan was kicked and sent flying. Almost immediately it got up and attacked the armoured titan along side the founding titan. The 20 metre titan ended up loosing an arm which did not regenerate at all. The founding titan then shrieked at the armoured titan and attacked with twice as much power. The armoured titan knew that he wasn't going to win this battle so he retreated over the wall  and farther than the naked eye could see. The new titan then returned to the colosal titan and bit into its nape, swallowing it whole. The nape of the new titan then began to steam and a black haired girl appeared.

Y/N pov

I pulled myself out of my full titan form and used my wings to carry me to my squad, which deteriated as soon as I landed amongst them on the roof of the old building.

"Oh my god,Y/N!" Sasha cried running towards me.

I gave her a weak smile. The blood of my wound had already soaked through the cloths. Sasha saw this and freaked out.

"Guys help me, we need to treat Y/N's wound immediately,"she yelled to the others.

I let out a cough and put my hand over my mouth. When I drew my hand away from my face I saw blood on it so I wiped it of my cloths so I wouldn't worry my friends any more than I already have. I was layed next to Armin who was barley breathing beside me. Hanji tried to treat my wound but I stopped her.

"Don't waste your resourses on me. Even if you stop the bleeding on the outside, it wont stop the eternal bleeding," I said.

"Just let me try, please," Hanji cried holding my hand tightly.

I heard the noise of two people landing near us. They rushed towards me.

"Get out of the way brat!" A familiar voice yelled at Hanji.

"Y-yes s-sure th-hing l-levi," Hanji stuttered moving out of the way quickly.

Levi carfully picked me up and layed me on his lap. His hand played with my hair, his own hair covered his tear stained eyes.

"I'm s-sorry t-that I co-ouln't keep my p-promise," I croaked.

"Your not dead yet so you haven't broken your promise, you can still live," he cried in hope.

My heart ached for him. I raised my arm and brushed the hair from his eyes. Then rested it on his cheek.

"You know that there's no hope for me," I whispered.

I turned my head to my friends and comrades.

"I know how I can save Armin but I'll need you all to be farther away from him," I told them.

"I may have acted cold and uncaring to all of you but deep down I really did cherrish your friendship. When I am gone I want you guys to think about my when I was alive and happy, not here when I'm going to leave you so soon. I also have one last request. Can you tell Hitco that I treasure him like a little brother and that I will always be in his heart,".

They cried at the end of my speech. Then I got a hug from everyone. They all then flew farther away from the building I was on. I clasped onto levi's sleeve before he left.

"Promise me,for what happens next, that you wont hold a grudge against Armin," I pleaded with him.

"I promise, " he mumbled.

He kissed the top of me head then flew of to join the others.

I dragged myself closer to Armin then reached into my pocket and pulled out a small bag. Inside was a needle and a small bottle containing some if Zeke's spinal fluid.  He had given it to me as a request because I told him I wanted to experiment with it.

I filled the needle and then injected it into Armin.

He quickly turned into one of the man eating giants and picked me up.

"THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING GUYS!" I screamed from the top of my lungs and then I was bit in half and swallowed by the newborn titan. A tear rolled down my cheek as I took my last breath.

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