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So when Kinro found out his s/o was pregnant, his mind was blown. Literally.

“Kinro… we need to have a talk.”

When Kinro heard this, all hell broke loose in his mind. What happened? Did they not like him anymore? Did they want to break up? He was expecting the worse to happen.

“I’m… pregnant!”

Time seemed to stop for him. Did they just say pregnant?

“I’ve checked with Senku… and he said I’m already 2 months along.”

So that’s why they’ve been cranky and complaining of cramps? Why they have been more tired than they usual? He didn’t know what to say. He just stood there, shocked, unsure of what to say. 

“I wanted to let you know… since you’re the father.”


S/o fiddled with their hands, anxiously awaiting his response.

“Kinro,” they began, “I love you. And I’ve always wanted to start a family with you. And I hope you’ll support me-”

They were interrupted by Kinro’s hug, his arm snaking around s/o’s waist as the other caressed the back of their head.



“I… I always wanted to have a family as well… with you. I promise, that to my utmost ability, I will take care of you and our baby forever.”

Kinro would be such a good dad!! He’ll probably be the strictest dad in the entire of Dr. Stone lmao. Of course, one of the first things he teaches his child is the rules. And how he must always follow them.

You’d think because of this Kinro’s child would be just like him, but that’s when uncle of the year Ginro comes in. We all know Ginro is a huge prankster. And Ginro loves to bother Kinro.

Ginro and Kinro’s kid would literally be best friends, much to Kinro’s dismay. Ginro’s teasing attitude rubbed off on the kid so much that we might as well call them Ginro the 2nd.

But!! You might think because of his kid would be reckless, but their not!! Kinro’s kid is the perfect combination of seriousness and knows when to follow the rules, but also knows when to relax and have fun!!

Ahem, father and daughter/son duo!! Even if he has a girl, she’ll probably insist on learning how to fight. At first, he declined, but he found out that Kohaku had been training them in secret, and well it went from there.

Kinro = dad goals. Always looking out for them on the battlefield! Literally, every 5 seconds he’s looking to see if they’re ok and if they need help. Thankfully, all he sees is them whooping ass.

Kinro = overprotective dad. Someone is bothering his kid? Destroy them.

He always makes sure his kid knows he’s always with them and supports what they do, even though he’s not the best with words!!

Whenever they’re having difficulties with Kinro, they just go to the best ever Uncle Ginro. Even though Ginro is all jokes and giggles, he really does care about Kinro! Even though he joked about how in the world grump faced Kinro got a s/o, he was really glad that Kinro found someone that he could love and relax with.

Ginro gives the best advice (most of the time hehe) to Kinro’s kid!! How to get on his good side, stories from when they were children, remembering the faithful Village Games… Kinro and Magma’s fight…

Just thinking about Kinro being a dad makes me happy tbh… he would be such an amazing dad that it will blow your socks off…

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2021 ⏰

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