Breaking point

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"What the hell," mumbled Bonnie as she woke from an unusually soft bed after a moment she realized that she was not in her room but in the Salvatore boarding house. Suddenly she remembered the coffin and tried to rise but was stopped in her tracks when she saw
a still silhouette of a vampire. Stefan.

"What happened." She asked
"You opened the coffin" replied Stefan in the dried-out tone Bonnie had grown irritatedly accustomed to.
"Okay so" she pressed expecting him to explain further "who was in it". "We don't know it got away once I returned all I found was you and Abby's unconscious bodies on the floor."
"And then you brought us here." she finished
How could the person or thing have gotten away she thought

" Exactly but all that matters is you failed, like you always do it beginning to be a pathetic pattern don't you think"
Something snapped in Bonnie urging her to release a hot boiling red supplement of anger on the abomination that stood with his back turned towards her "Excuse me"

She uncontrollably snapped his right leg causing him to let out an angered roar that seemed to be nothing compared to Bonnie's newly emerging anger at the accusation from the blood-sucking ripper

"I failed, you and your brother have done nothing but fail in all the challenges we have come across leaving me to clean up your mess like some fucking slave yet you have the audacity to tell me I failed when I was the one knocking on deaths fucking door for you once again!"

With that, she broke his hand and other leg and tossed him down the stairs to where Abby lay slowly waking up,

" Now seeing as you believe your the big scary ripper and that what i'm about to say is a bluff but don't you dare forget what I've done I've set your brother aflame and you can even ask him those aneurysms they really hurt and i nearly killed Klaus fricking mikaelson don't you dare forget it, Stefan I can hit you with aneurysm after aneurysm whilst tearing you limb from limb and feeling satisfaction in your cries.

If i find that whatever came out of that damn coffin is killing innocent people as we speak stefan i'm gonna find you I'm gonna torture you in ways your inhumane mind could never conjure and leaves what remains of you on Elenas and damons porch i might even decoratively arrange them to makes it say stefan ." and with a swift and easy movement bonnie snapped his neck and walked over his limp body to comfort a very confused abby.

"Bonnie what happened,"she asked
"Don't worry about it just go home and check on Jamey then rest" She replied.

Reluctantly Abby stood taking Bonnie's advice and to check on Jamie then going to rest. Once she had left Bonnie turned to look at Stefan and couldn't help but smirk at the defenseless position she had held him and was still holding him. "Dick" she softly stated and left the house.
(Her outfit) -

(Her outfit) -

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In Bonnie's house ~

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