chapter Two: School

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It shouldn’t have been possible.

It was unlikely that even just Skylar had ended up on this planet, but two demi-Cybertronians was more than just mere coincidence.  The Decepticon necklace had come from Megan’s father, though. Decepticons hated humans. There was no way that a human could be with the ‘Cons.

Megan was already awake and dressed, looking at a photo in the photo album. She was looking at a picture with a man and a woman. The man had black hair and red eyes. He was wearing a grey shirt with purple designs. The woman was brown hair with blue eyes, in a black dress. Megan hugged the picture close. "I miss you guys."

Skylar jolted awake, falling out of bed with a soft cry. She moaned in pain when she hit the ground. “Wha’ time’s it?’ she mumbled, looking blearily up at Megan across the room. Her dreams flickered across her mind, before she shook it away. “Are you okay?”

 "I'm ok, but I wasn't the one to fall out of bed." Megan giggled. "And it's six  thirty am. What time does school start? "

“Eight.” Skylar pushed herself off of the ground. “It’s a five minute drive, and we should try to get there by seven forty-five.” Quickly, she got her clothes. “I’m taking a shower,” she announced, piling her blankets onto her bed.

"Ok. I'm almost ready, just hungry." Megan smiled at Skylar. Her smile was kind, and gentle.

Skylar nodded. “What do you want? We have cereal, bagels…” Her voice trailed off, mostly because she didn’t much feel like listing breakfast options at six thirty in the morning.

"Cereal sounds good. I'll meet you in the kitchen,, I better wait, I don't know where everything is." Megan looked a little embarrassed.

Her roommate nodded. “Okay. Follow me, and I’ll show you.” Slowly, she left the room, not a very big morning person. Walking down the hall, she silently opened a door, motioning for Megan to be quiet. “Dad’s still asleep,” she explained in hushed tones.

Megan, who has followed close behind nodded, and whispered. "Got it."

“He wakes up at seven to get some coffee. When it’s time to go, he drives us there, but we have to find our own rides home.” Skylar opened a cabinet, stretching to reach the top shelf. “The cereal’s up here. Um… Frosted Flakes, Cocoa Puffs, or Cheerios?” she asked.

Megan grinned. "Cocoa Puffs. They're my favorite." She was glad that she was making friends with her roommate. "So, about the ride home, what are you doing?  I don't have one." Megan looked a little sheepish.

“A classmate of mine usually gives me a ride. I’m saving up for a car, though.” Skylar passed the box of cereal to Megan and reached up to another cabinet, pulling out a bowl. “Spoons are in the drawer beside you.”

Megan opened up the drawer, and pulled out a spoon, then pours a decent amount of cereal. Then goes to the fridge to get the milk. "Um, it's ok to have milk right? "

Skylar nodded, heading to the door. “Yeah.” She pushed her short hair behind her ear, a habitual movement. “Anything else?” Her voice was kind.

"No, I'm good, thank you Skylar." Megan smiled, then opened the fridge, poured the milk before putting it away. As she ate, she had a sad, far away look. She missed her mom, but not the one she became two years ago. Lately her mom was drinking, and had a habit of forgetting Megan. The girl rinsed out her bowl, and hand washed the dishes, before putting them in the dish rack she saw.

Skylar walked in just as the other girl was rinsing her bowl. “Hey.” She poured herself a bowl of cereal, more awake after her shower. Quickly, she wolfed it down, trying to be fast. Finishing, she did the same as Megan had done, before beginning to start coffee for her father. “Do I need to make extra?” she asked, turning to face Megan.

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