The entire famile plus Aaron went to the beach. Aden went out into the larger waves area while Kei was sitting under an umbrella playing on Mam Destiny's phone. Destiny and Alyssa flirted while Madeline was playing in the sand with Aaron. Kei suddenly dropped the phone seeing Alyssa leaning over to kiss destiny "NO, IM OUT" Kei screamed running away kicking sand into Madeline's face on purpose while he ran out to Aden. Destiny and Alyssa do kiss then laughed continuing their beach day. Kei and Madeline tried drowning eachother while Aaron started calming Madeline but that didn't stop Kei. Alyssa and Destiny ran over pushing Kei away. "Madeline must die" Kei said. Aden returned back and built a sand castle. Kei drowned Madeline e XD. Kei had a pro day after that, Aaron was sad and very unpro day.