The sound of a body hitting the hard metal of the locker reached your ears as you tried to quickly make your way past the fight. Teruki, the boy who seemed to need everyone to fear him, was always finding a way to attack someone. Whether it be verbally or physically, he loved to start some sort of quarrel. Maybe it was the way people would move out of his way when he walked down the halls that he liked, maybe it made him feel special like he wasn't just like everyone else at Black Vinegar Middle School. The main character with a superiority complex, the kind of guy that needed all the attention wherever he went. It pissed you off to no end.

You kept your head down as you attempted to make your way past him unnoticed, staring at your shoes as you quickened your pace. That was until you were thrown into a locker as well, the cold metal door stopping you from going back any farther as the blond trapped you with his hands on either side of your head, pinning you against the Locker. Terrifying, sure, but it was a normal occurrence. He'd threaten you and then you'd be on your way, simple as that. He obviously didn't want his shining reputation ruined, how else would he attend a preppy college? Too bad you were the one that constantly got caught up in his squabbles.

"Do me a favor, don't tell anyone you saw this. It'd be a shame if word got out that I beat someone up." 

You knew it was coming, you wouldn't tell anyone though. Maybe if you had someone to tell, but lucky for him, you didn't have any friends to snitch on him too, and you sure as hell weren't going to tell a teacher then get killed by his majesty.

"Uh, yeah, sure." You responded, doing your best to avoid eye contact with the psychotic blond.

He stared into your eyes for a moment before he grabbed his bag from off the floor and left. You glared at the back of his purple uniform as you watched him walk away. You were annoyed, sure, but what were you supposed to do? This was just the social hierarchy in your school. Maybe one day a brave soul would challenge the dictatorship, but for now, this is how'd you'd survive. Who knows, maybe in the future you'll become his boss.

Pushing yourself off the locker, you started towards your next class. The halls were fairly empty at this point, only seeing 1 or 2 people rush past you. Your shoes clicked against the school floor as you made your way towards your next class. The day only just started but you couldn't wait to go home. 


Your walk home was fairly quiet, with the occasional car driving by. You always enjoyed the solitude you had when walking alone back home. You were feeling content, but then you saw Mogami materializing beside you from the corner of your eye and you were back to feeling irritated. 

"What do you want?" You sighed, slouching a little more.

"I saw what happened today, I could easily kill him, y'know." He informed, keeping a steady pace next to you.

Mogami has always been you're favorite person to talk to, whenever he wasn't trying to convince you to murder someone that is. He was by far your favorite uncle. You had to admit, you missed him, it sucked going to family reunions without being able to hide away in a corner with him. And when his mother was sick you got a job to try and help pay for some of her medical bills. Shame he had to resort to suicide. 

"Just leave me alone." You told him, looking up at him harshly.

You could see him grin a little, he sure did love getting people worked up. "It wouldn't be traced back to you if that's what you worried about." He said in the most soothing way his scratchy voice would allow.

"I'm not worried about that, I just don't want to resort to violence for something simple." You explained, getting annoyed that he once again wanted to kill someone. You were starting to think getting a psychic involved and exorcising him would be the best course of action.

"I'm only looking out for you."

"I'll get a priest involved if you don't stop." You threatened. You could see him putting his hands up in defense at the statement. That seemed to get him off the subject of homicide for now. 

"Ok, ok, I won't slaughter the kid." He assured you, "So tell me if you could have anything in the world what would it be?" He changed the subject, throwing his nonexistent arm around you. 


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2021 ⏰

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