Chapter 1: The Trap

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Spider Kid sat on a building waiting. He was waiting for any crime from The Cartel or Shadow.
Then he heard it from Luke's mic.
"Possible cartel activity at 24th street."
It was from police chatter in the radio channel.

"You hear that?"

"Yeah I'm on my way."

He knew this was a lead.
Finally. After 3 months of cartel activity he knew this was a big deal. He had no leads on the man who attacked him and Donny. But now... He could.

He landed in the alleyway with the obvious in the open drug deal going on. The signature goons there.
He webbed on of their legs and pulled hard. The man fell. He webbed him to the floor. He leapt over him punching another into a wall. He performed a spin kick to a man behind him. He knocked out the man he punched then grabbed the man he kicked. He pulled him close and started to knee him in the stomach.

"Do you know who this is?"

He pulled out a picture of the man who killed the drug dealer Donny.

"No. Never in my life. Heard the boss hired him though."

Spider Kid stood there for a second pondering.

"Are you sure because if you're lying I'll send you to the hospital like your friends."

"I'm sure I'm sure."

Spider Kid sighed.

"Tell your friends I said 'Hi'."

He punched the man knocking him out. He was frustrated.
He had no leads.
He had no ideas.
He had no knowledge on this guy.
For 3 months he spent running around and he found no leads on him.
He swung away heading to home base where Luke and him had stored all of their gear.

He slapped the door shut when he got in. He was angry.

"Woah Ben calm down."

"No Luke. I'm not going to calm down. It's been three months since we saw this guy. Cartel activity is at an all time high and we are STILL 2 STEPS BEHIND!"

"I- I'm trying my best."


Ben thought for a minute. He didn't mean to get angry. He probably scared the crap out of Luke. He left knowing Luke wouldn't want him to stay longer.

He got home and sat down on his bed. He thought about how his dad died.
His dad was saving people from gunfire and explosions that were set off by Donny. He was killed saving 32 people that day. His dad knew that every day he puts on the mask he is risking his life. But it wasn't in vain. It was for his family. His kid. Ben. For Peter. Everyone.

Ben woke up in the morning and got ready for school. He swung over to Luke's house. He dropped in his front yard.

"Ran out of web fluid huh?"

Luke was obviously upset.

"No I came to say sorry. I was way out of line yesterday."

Luke sat there for a second before responding.

"Go on."

"I'm sorry for saying your best wasn't good enough. You are trying all you can to find this guy. Sorry man."

Luke chuckled.

Ben extended his hand. Luke took it and shook.

"So race me to school?"

Spider Kid (A Spider Man Story) Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now