chapter 15

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Hiya it been awhile since I last updated I been busy with work and life plus I hate editing :/  but anyways I hope y'all like this chappie ~


Shit I'm going to be late Iris is going to kill me," Ash said to himself realizing that he overslept as he quickly put on some shoes and grabbed a pair of sunglasses and a baseball cap, and leave his house.


As soon Ash made it to Iris's apartment complex he quickly went to Iris's apartment and knocked on the door

"What took you so long?" Iris asked as she got her purse and put the last of the things she needed

" what I live an hour away from here and traffic was heavy," Ash said "HMM Where's Nova ?" Ash asked around and realized that Nova wasn't there

"She still sleeping," Iris told Ash

"Well why she's not ready," Ash asked

"Because I'm not going to get Nova ready at 5 am, " Iris said before going to Nova's room"if I do that not only she'll be grumpy all day I have to wake up at 4 am to get the both of us ready, so I figured that you could get her ready at your house around 8 Iris said before she got Nova out of her Nova wrapped in a blanket and was holding her bookbag

" her change of clothes, her EpiPen, and like three toys are in the bag she usually takes a nap around1 for an hour, " iris told Ash handling the bag to him "I'll pick her up after I get off of work around 5 or 6, just text where you live so I know where to pick up Nova, " Iris told Ash

"Okay," Ash said as he put the bookbag on and got Nova from Iris "oh another thing, either watch what your little girlfriend around Nova or don't have her around Nova at all!" Iris told Ash angry, still upset about what Elle told Nova the other day.

"Well Nova don't have to worry about Elle no more, " ash told iris as Iris hand Nova to Ash

" so what happened to the witch" iris asked

"We broke up last night after an argument," Ash told Iris

"well sorry about your break up Ash," Iris said

"it's no deal, it's not like the relationship was really working," Ash told Iris

Before Iris can what he meant about that she quickly the time." Great I'm going to be late" Iris mumbled "Ash you have to go," Iris told Ash

Rushing him out of her apartment.

"Ok, OK I'm Leaving, " Ash told Iris while Iris grabbed her stuff and lock the door behind her.

"Tell Nova that I love her when she wakes up," Iris told Ash before removing the blanket off Nova and kissing her on her forehead. "Bye," Iris said

Ash sighed he had no idea what to do with a kid, the other day he just got lucky with Nova and keeping her busy but today he has no idea what to do with her for the next 12 and half hours.

Once Ash to his car he put Nova in her car seat.

Once Ash made it to his house ash got Nova out of her seat and got her stuff, and once ash made it inside he put Nova on the couch so she can continue to sleep, he was kinda shocked that Nova was still sleeping even though the car ride was extremely dumpy coming back. Soon Ash's iPhone began to ring, ash was going to annoyed the call thinking it was just Elle, but decided to answer the phone mainly since, he figured that it may but Iris

"Hello," Ash said

"What's up Ashy boy," Gary said "I was wondering if you were busy today," Gary said " I was wondering if you want to go to the escape room and the sports bar downtown "

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