Chapter one | Moving

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"Mom, why do we have to move I've lived her my whole life" tears started to fall.

My mom frowned with dark circles under her eyes "Y/N I'm sorry but I will have a better paying job when we move..." she said.

"Do you even care about what I think about this?" I say as I try to hold back my tears from falling even more.

She stoped packing then looked at me tiredly "of course I do but.. money is more important right now..I'm sorry Y/N.." she said then went back to packing.

My mom looked tired I went to my room and started to pack all my things trying not to cry again.


~the next day~

We were finally at the new house it wasn't anything special, it was a nice house but I liked my old house better..I unpacked all over my things and my mom had already left to work.

I went to school and walked in the classroom, the teacher seemed bored until he saw me.

"You can introduce yourself." He said still kinda bored "I'll do it later.." I said "come on, it's not that hard just say your name and what you like or don't like." He said annoyed. I sighed "Fine. Im Y/N and I hate snakeu. That's all you need to know." I said annoyed and sat next to an empty everyone looked at me as if I was crazy then the door opened and there was a boy walking into the classroom then sat in the desk next to my. I took out my phone and headphones then listened to gods menu by stray kids.


After class...
I was walking out and went to use the bathroom btw the bathroom has allows both genders in the bathroom. I walked In the bathroom and saw That kid that sat next to me in first period breaking the soap dispenser "HEY!!" I said yelling at him "what?." He said "don't do that are you crazy!?" I said whispering now "it's just a soap dispenser." He said. There was soap all over the ground I walked up to him with anger and then my worst fear happened... I slipped!? Our lips were connected we were just starring at each other while kissing. I moved my head to the side and he pulled back and got up but he was blushing?.. I also got up and ran to a bathroom stall to obviously because I had to use the restroom and also to hide from that boy even though he new which stall I was in but I had to go really bad I was also embarrassed...


This is the end of the first chapter I hoped you enjoyed this eat well and drink well! Byeeeee!!!! Love you!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2021 ⏰

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