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S T R A N G E R |낯선 사람

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S T R A N G E R |낯선 사람


You walked underneath the shelter of an umbrella. Wonho guided you at your side as the solo company. There was an unnatural suffocating silence between you two that bothered you more than anything for the moment.

You decided to break the silence. "Did you close the shutter properly?"

"Do you have a doubt? We can go back and check," he spoke.

"No, I was just asking, you know."

"You should not do that. I always lock it with enough care and surety so that I never have to sit and think over it again when at home."

It was true though, he was quite sincere in the field. You resolved to zip your month till the bus stop arrived but you had to give in again for Wonho's sake. He was keeping a distance while being beside you. What a gentleman but he himself was suffering the hits of the rain strokes at the edge.

"Hey, come inside. You're getting soaked all over!"

"It's okay. I'm used to it. I'll go home and have a bowl of soup. I usually do not catch cold so early." No sooner did he finish pronouncing the terminal word than a bike came shooting on the road and splashed the logged water all into the boy under the umbrella.

The vehicle left with the wink of an eye, leaving Wonho shocked and drenched with dirty liquid. He flapped his arms, giving away the umbrella to your hold. His shirt now stank with a disheartening odour.

"Argh, I don't understand why people have to drive so loud in a rainy night! Yuck, this is not good, not good at all," he groaned in disgust.


You landed your butt on the seat below the roof of the bus stop gaping at Wonho who checked himself under the flashing lights to find the dirt stains decorating his left half.

"Wonho, I suggest you to get home and change as soon as possible before you catch a cold."

"No, I won't leave you alone here. I'll eait till the bus moves in...aaachhooo.."

" See. I told you  Please go ahead, the bus will be here any moment from now. I can handle it by myself. You need something warm," you advocated thoughtfully.


"No buts, just go, please."

"Okay but don't forget to drop a text when you get home safely. Promise?"

"Yes I will. Now go."

He gave a last smile as he picked he umbrella and retired from the shade. Soon, he receded into the distance.

Meanwhile, the bashing of rainfall made you realise that you were left out there, all alone in the midst of cloudy streaming night. You rubbed your arms with your palms, marking the time eagerly at your position to spot a headlight at the nearest signal. Yet you didn't feel to see one even after the funeral of twenty minutes. Your senses struck you of the insecurities. Afterall you could not sit there all night. You have a home where your granny would be tensed if you did not show up any sooner. Your dead phone's weight compelled you to stan helplessness.

"What a lousy night," you sighed deeply. The day was bad indeed, perhaps not as lousy as you thought.

"Need a ride?" a masculine voice strolled to you, startling you to your perceptions. You gazed in front and discovered a guy on a black tinted bike, parked at the roadside.

You had to raise your voice since you were doubtful about the fact that the growling rain could cut you off any second. "Well I don't think that's a good idea!"

As soon as you finished, he manifested himself closer to you. He sauntered towards you, his black waterproof coat was sparkling with the water droplets stuck on it.

"What is it?" you spelled as you shifted a little further from strange frame. He did not even bother to remove his helmet that added an icing on the cake.

"I won't eat you up, nugget."

"Yah mind your language! Whom do you call a nugget, huh?" your brows joined together in suspicion.

He pulled out his headgear right in the next appealing move which left you bombarded. It was guy whom you met the same morning at the garage. That cold, rude boy whose bike you were appointed to wash but guess that's all in vain as it would need another washup after the night.

He arched his brows nearly into a question mank, "You're the one who washed my tiger this morning. So finding you all alone helplessly, I thought to convey you to your destination out of humanity. But I guess I was only being too kind to you."

"Oh well - wait, what tiger? Whose figer?"

"My bike, you work with Suho right?"

"Yeah I do but how can I trust a stranger anyways. You're just an acquaintance," you mumbled under your breath.

"What? I can't hear you. Be louder please."

"I said that I don't even know you. Why should I trust you?"

"Okay," he shrugged, "Your call I just wanted to help but alright if you don't need it." He started to head back for his property.

You gave it thought, "Well if he wants to help then why should I deny? Besides he doesn't look like a bad sort. My conscience tells me that I can rely upon him."

Next moment, you yelled, "Yah wait! I want to go but promise me that you'll take me home safely."

"Deal," he turned back to have a glimpse at you.

Finding no other options in hand, you slowly reduced the distance between you two.

"Let's go."

"Wait, are you nuts? You can't go like this. You'll become a wet crow till you reach your address," saying so, he started unbuttoning his trench coat.

You watched in silence as he rhythmically shook off his arms from the slicker sleeves.

"Here, wear this," he said while forwarding the wet sheath of plastic material. You grabbed it quite hesitantly.

"What about you?"

"I already have a jacket on so don't worry."

You drove your arms inside the mack which seemed oversized to you. The buttons were smaller than you imagined. It seemed quite awkward as compared to the size of the clothing.

Your tensed wobbly fingers slipped at most of its attempts to plug the buttons. Still you tried to make it happen but it really appeared difficult.

"Ugh these buttons," you groaned, being irritated with the repeated actions.

"Let me do it for you," the guy reached out for your bust. He flawlessy put up the buttons quicker than some machine. When he finished with the last one, you smiled, "Thank you."

Gazing up, you saw his shiny forehead peeping from under his bangs. His dark brown iris glimmered as perfectly cut crystals as the white light stroked them. You could not help but get lost in his eyes, it had so many interesting facts.

The lighting crackled and the sky quaked. You instantly crushed on his torso even before you could realise what you were actually doing. Slowly flipping your eyelids open, you found yourself on his clothed chest. Unknowingly your heart started beating faster on sensing his warm breaths ghosting your crown. Your ears digged into his body to listen to his beats that were faster than usual too. Though it was obviously weird for him but it did happen involuntarily.

Your cheeks heated up and you slowly loosened your grasp on the back of his jacket.


Here's the next part. Uwu did I make you blush too? Hmm? Tell me XD

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