Mason Mount- midnight shopping

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"Please babe?" you ask, giving him the puppy eyes, you know he can't resist.

He moves his arms from across his face, revealing his tired eyes as he looks at you with an amused expression. It was midnight, you weren't tired and desperately wanted ice cream. You were sat up, crossed legged as you just looked at him. He sighed, throwing the covers off him and getting up.

"Yes!" you cheered, trying to shuffle off the bed to go with him.

Mason chuckled, helping you off of the bed, before putting a shirt on and getting his shoes. You went to get your shoes, and then you were off. 

Hand in hand, you went into the store and down to the freezer isle, where the ice creams were. You looked through them all, before finally deciding on a normal tub of vanilla. Before you paid, you guys went to get some things for the house since you were already there and needed more food. 

You finally paid, before getting back in the car to go home. On the way home, it was a comfortable silence, Mason already tired, and the car ride making you sleepier. When you got home, you were only able to take one bag in, as Mason wouldn't let you hold anymore.

As soon as all the bags were in, you dug through the bags, getting your ice cream and a spoon and made your way upstairs, as Mason put the food away. When Mason was done, he made his way upstairs to your shared room, to find the ice cream untouched beside you, as you were fast asleep. 

He chuckled, before getting in bed with you, placing the ice cream tub on the bedside table. He brought you closer to him, placing his hand on your slightly swollen stomach, rubbing his thumb across it. 

"Can't wait to see you little guy, just try not to make your mum have any more cravings in the middle of the night." he whispered to your stomach, before drifting off into a deep sleep.

(Not one of my bests, but I hope you like it.)

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