Missing you so much 😔masonmount10
me too love ☹️nova.elliss
I'd do anything to see you right nowmasonmount10
I'm back in england sunday, then off to croatia on wednesday. How about i take you with me?nova.elliss
really?! that sounds amazingggg, in need of a holiday so bad 😩masonmount10
I will ask my manager to make sure hes okay with you staying in the same hotel room as menova.elliss
Of course, if i cant then i will just get my own hotel room :)masonmount10
or i'll sneak you into mine ;))nova.elliss
oooo cheeky, i like itmasonmount10
i'll text you when im home and i'll pick you up 😘nova.elliss
cant wait 🥰