First letter

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"Hurry up we are going to be late!" Tori screamed up the stairs to her sister who was still trying to pick the right shoes. "Slow down we got plenty time left." Trina said calmly walking down the stairs. Tori roles her eyes and walked behind her sister to the car.

The ride was not particularly long but Tori zoned out for most of it. "How did you sleep?" Trina called making Tori jump a little "fine..., why?"
"Cuz we made it and you are just sitting here staring into nowhere. Are you ok?"
"Yea I'm fine, I was just thinking about stuff"
"Okay... I'm your sister so if there is something on your mind you can talk to me, you know that right."
"Yes,thanks Trina, but I need to go now, byee" Tori said stepping out of the car, putting her bag on her shoulder. Trina shook her head and grabbed her own bag.

Walking into the school building Tori saw her friends standing around her locker. She walked towards them when she was met with the goth she didn't want to encounter this early in the morning. "MOVE!!" She called zooming passed Tori.

'Probably didn't get her morning coffee yet'

Before she could pay more attention to the goth, she was met with a very hyper red-headed girl.
"HEYYY TORIIIIII!" Cat squeeld jumping towards Tori like a bouncy ball. Tori laughed at the sight "Hey Cat how are you today?"
"I'm doing amazing, look at my new friend, it's a purple giraffe!" "Oh wow what a handsome fella, what's his name" "Mr Purple  obviously!"
"Oh yes of course"

They joined the others at Tori's locker.
"Hey Toro how's it?" Andre asked while Tori grabbed her books out of her locker.
"Oh I'm ok Trina hasn't being too annoying lately so that's nice for a change"
"Good to hear." Beck said giving her a genuine smile. "We should head to sikowitz class before we get too late." Robbie pointed out, and so they walked to class.

"Do y'all have plans this weekend?" Andre asked while walking to their seats in the corner they usually sit in.
"Nope." The other 4 said in sinc.
"Great! I want to work together on a song..." but before he could finish he got cut off by Cat.
"HEYY look a letter, on the ground near our seats? For who is it?" waving a pink envelope.

"How are we suppose to know when you are waving it like that" Robbie said trying to take the envelope but Cat didn't let him have it.
She turned the envelope a few times.
"There is no name on it.." Cat said giving the letter to Robbie annoyed cuz she didn't know for who it was.

"Nope no name on the envelope, maybe we should open it? Maybe it says for who it is in the envelope" Robbie suggests
"But maybe it's for non of us and we open a letter ment for someone else" Tori says.
"Oh it's just a letter doesn't hurt to read it right" beck says taking the letter to open it and read it.

"Dear sunshine,
I know letters are a bit of a cliche,
but I just want to tell you about how you fill my days with colour.
If only I could tell you who I am"

"A LOVE LETTER AWWW" Cat chirped in
"That's soo sweet!" Tori took the letter to look at it.

"Well, we still don't know for who the letter is, or who had put it here " Andre said disappointed. Before anyone could say a word sikowitz appeared troughs the window.

Class went by really slow, none of them where paying attention only thinking about for who the letter could  have been and who the secret admirer was.

" you know it's not a wrong guess if that letter was ment for one of us don't you agree?" Andre says walking through the hallway with the gang holding on to the letter. None of them was really convinced so Andre started to explain.

"Well... it was first period, so no one was able to just 'forget it there' since again it was the first class of the day." The rest agreed and he continued, "So that mean someone left it there for one of us to find it, since we always sit in that same corner." "Sounds like it ye, and since we never sit in same order we don't know for who it is." Beck chirped in while they walked passed Tori's locker. A warning bell rang signaling for the next class, "lets just leave the letter in my locker and not think about it until lunch." Tori said opening her locker, Andre gave Tori the letter and walked off to class.

Even though Tori said they shouldn't think/talk about the letter until lunch, it was the only thing in her mind.

Could the letter be for me? From who can it be? Could it be...

'No! Don't be ridiculous'  she told herself and tried concentrating to the lesson but failed miserably, she kept getting distracted by her own thoughts.

"Hey tori, why are you blushing?" Cat whispered to Tori while they had a class together. "I'm not blushing what are you talking about?" Tori whispers back snapping back into reality. "You are, you seemed really into your tought's and kept grinning and blushing, and now that I pointed it out you are blushing even more, who where you thinking about!!" "Oh... Ehm, well.. I, ehmm" Tori started to stutter.


Cat started to giggle "you are thinking about the potential person the letter came from, dont ya"
"What no..that's stupid." Tori said blushing an even redder colour then she already was.
" Tori, it's not" Cat started sounding more serious and sincere. "I think about that too, and you know if the letter is not from her, you should try and make a move on her anyway."

"Sorry what? Ehmm idk.." Tori was a bit taken back, she hasn't told anyone that she's into girls so how does Cat know?

"If you are wondering, yes I know your into girls, we are friends for a long time and I see the way you look at girls versus the way you look at boys" she says giving Tori a reassuring hug. "And you are ok with that?"
"Of course, you are my best friend Tori!"

"Can you girls keep it down!" The teacher called them and Tori's eyes shot up towards him. "Sorry, we'll stop"

Lunch time and the group sat down at their usual table with the letter in the middle.
"There is literally no way we can find out for who it is by just looking at this letter." Robbie points out and everyone sighed.
"Like anyone would send you a love letter Robbie look at you, NERD!" "REX!"

"I can't think of any way other then to wait it out, simply impossible" André said ignoring the puppet and taking a bite out of his taco. "Yea, waiting for a another letter might work maybe" Beck moved a bit of lettuce on his plate.

"But who knows how long that will take!" Tory said almost desperately but changed her tone to hide it.

"I think I got an idea!" Cat chirped in after a little moment of silence. "We all got something like a crush right?" They all shyly nodded "what if, we all give this person a little secret gift and maybe it will encourage them to send a new letter"
"That's a brilliant idea!!" Robbie stood up
"I'll go do it right away" and ran off
As the day went by Tori got more and more stressed, Cat's idea was brilliant but Tori was to scared to give that girl she liked a present. Luckily she knew what her locker was, and managed to convince Sinjin to open it but not look what she was putting inside.
Cost her 20$ but it was worth it.

Sinjin opened the locker and stepped away.
"Thanks, Sinjin." "No problemo" and he walked off. Tori grabbed the gift out of her bag. There was a tiny heart envelope with a handmade bracelet inside, and she put a black rose next to it.
She hoped with all her heart that the girl would like the gift.
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Thanks for reading,
I was kinda scared to post anything but I hope you enjoyed it!
let me know what you think.
Next part should be out soon :)

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